

Article Dymshi LK "Public Charity in Sweden and Norway" and his notes on the organization of charity in Russia, Germany and other countries

Dymsh Lubomir Cleofasovich, a lawyer, a privat-docent of the St. Petersburg University, a member of the III and IV State Duma, a Polish colo, a member of the training committee and an official of special assignments of his own Imperial Majesty's office, a landowner of the Constantine district.
Article Dymshi LK "Public Charity in Sweden and Norway" and his notes on the organization of charity in Russia, Germany and other countries.

Статья Л. К. Дымши "Общественное призрение в Швеции и Норвегии" (сканы 6–17)

Overview of Norwegian periodicals

press reviews, excerpts, and clippings from print (collection).Overview of Norwegian periodicals.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)

International information.1942, № 112 (March)

International information.[B.m., 1941].1942, № 112 (March).1942.
ГПИБ. Центр социально-политической истории

Антигерманский саботаж в Норвегии 1942