Prince’s authority
Prince’s authority
The first Russian princes
Alekseev, Vasily Pavlovich
The first Russian princes.
Moscow: Sytin, 1900.
Moscow: Sytin, 1900.
On the distribution of tables between Russian princes in the XI-XII centuries.
Ammon, Nikolay Ivanovich (-1920).
On the distribution of tables between Russian princes in the 11th-12th centuries. Moscow: Univ. type., 1894.
The mechanism of the transition of state power during the existence of the early feudal monarchy in Ancient Rus (IX-XII centuries).
Gribanov, Dmitry Alexandrovich
The mechanism of the transition of state power during the existence of the early feudal monarchy in Ancient Rus (IX-XII centuries.).
Samara, 2009.
Samara, 2009.
Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах
About the beginning of Vladimir that on Klyazma, about prenesenii in that from Kiev of the Russian capital and about the grand dukes who were in it
Dmitrievsky, Ivan Fedorovich (? -1815). About the beginning of Vladimir that on Klyazma, about prenesenii in this from Kiev of the Russian capital and about the grand dukes who were in it. In St. Petersburg: under the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1802.
Владимирская ОУНБ
The status of princes in the Russian socio-historical consciousness of the IX - XV centuries. (based on materials of funerary practice)
Zhdanova, Tatyana Vladimirovna
The status of princes in the Russian socio-historical consciousness of the IX - XV centuries. (based on materials of funerary practice).
Voronezh, 2006.
Voronezh, 2006.
Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах
About the Chernigov princes according to the Lubets synodic and Chernigov princedom in the Tatar time
Zotov, Raphael Vladimirovich (1848-1893).
About the Chernigov princes according to the Lubets synodic and Chernigov princedom in the Tatar time.
St. Petersburg: Type. br. Panteleevykh, 1892.
St. Petersburg: Type. br. Panteleevykh, 1892.
To the history of ancient inhabitants of the Tula province and their specific princes
Ivanovsky, Vasily. To the history of ancient inhabitants of the Tula province and their specific princes. [Tula]: Type. Lips. reval., [1897].
Military aspect of the policy of the Moscow princes
Kinev, Sergey Leonidovich (candidate of historical sciences). Military aspect of the policy of the Moscow princes. Tomsk, 2003.
Prince and prince's power in Russia in the IX century - the first third of the XIII century
Sverdlov, Mikhail Borisovich (Doctor of Historical Sciences, 1939-). Prince and princely power in Russia in the IX century - the first third of the XIII century. St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2013
The princes of Ostrog are defenders of the Orthodox faith and the Russian people
The princes of Ostrog are defenders of the Orthodox faith and the Russian people. Film Wilna: Orthodox. The Holy Spirit. Brotherhood, 1901.