Information Technology law

Information Technology law

Speech by Illaria Lavrentyevna Bachilo, Head of the Information Law Branch of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences

      "The right to access to information: opportunities and constraints in the electronic environment," a conference (St. Petersburg, 2012). Speech by Illyari Lavrentyevna Bachilo, Head of the Information Law Branch of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
St. Petersburg: BN Yeltsin, 2012.

Speech by Elkaim Yoram, Director of the Legal Service of GOOGLE (in the regions of Southern and Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Asia)

      "The right to access to information: opportunities and constraints in the electronic environment," a conference (St. Petersburg, 2012). Speech by Elkaim Yoram, Director of the Legal Service of GOOGLE (in the regions of Southern and Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Asia).
St. Petersburg: BN Yeltsin, 2012.
