Count, baronial, noble families of the Russian Empire of Swedish origin

Count, baronial, noble families of the Russian Empire of Swedish origin

  • Adlerberg

    Adlerberg is a noble family of Swedish descent, dating back to the beginning of the XVII century. In the Russian service from the XVIII century.
    • Eduard Ferdinand (Vladimir Fedorovich) Adlerberg

      One of the famous representatives of the clan - Eduard Ferdinand (Vladimir Fedorovich) Adlerberg (18 (29) November 1791, St. Petersburg, Russian Empire - March 8 (20), 1884, St. Petersburg, Russian Empire) - General of Infantry, Adjutant-General , the close associate of Nicholas I, his adjutant since 1817, minister of the court and princes, chief of the postal department
  • Bellingshausen

    Bellingshausen is an ancient Baltic noble family. Charter of the Swedish Queen Cristina from July 30 (August 8) 1661 Swedish Major-General of the Cavalry, Livland Landland John-Eberhardt von Bellingshausen was elevated to the baronial dignity of the Kingdom of Sweden. The definition of the Governing Senate of September 5, 1855, for the Estonian noble family name von Bellingshausen, was recognized as the baronial title
  • Wrangel

    Wrangel - count, baronial and noble family of Danish origin, dating back to the beginning of the XIII century. During the Swedish rule in Estland in the XVII century. the kind Vrangel has achieved brilliance and wealth. The diploma of the Swedish Queen Cristina from October 8, 1653, Colonel Herman von Wrangell was elevated to the baronial dignity of the Kingdom of Sweden with the name "af Ludenhof." The genus is included in the matrix of the Swedish Knight's House in the number of baronial births. In the Russian service representatives of the genus Wrangell appeared in the last period of the Seven Years' War (1756-1763). Among Russian Wrangel, there were 18 generals and 2 admirals
  • Girs

    Girs - an ancient noble family, dates back to the XVII century. Lorenz Girs, the general-krigiss-assessor, was twice captured: near Riga (1704) and near Poltava (1709). In 1712, the Swedish King Charles XII was elevated to noble dignity. His son, Lorentz, settled in 1750 in St. Petersburg
  • Kaulbars

    Kaulbars is a baronial family of the Ostsee nobility, which dates back to the first half of the XVI century. In the XVII century the family moved to Sweden, where subsequently his representatives occupied a prominent position in the army and at the court. After Estonia came into the Russian Empire, a part of the clan owning estates there took Russian citizenship. The genus was introduced into the noble matrix of the Estland province in 1746.
  • Von Knorring

    Von Knorring is a baronial and noble family, originating from Henry Knorring, who owned estates in Courland around the middle of the XVI century. His offspring was divided into several lines, one of which, received the baron's title in Sweden, was introduced into matriarchs of the nobles of the Grand Duchy of Finland. One of the lines left in the Baltic states belonged to Bogdan Fedorovich Knorring. The genus Knorring was introduced into the aristocratic matrixes of all three Baltic provinces
  • Krusenstern

    Krusenstern is a Russian noble family. It dates back to the XVI century. The founder of the family is Johann Krusius, a priest in the Groß-Erner of Mansfield county (the territory of Prussia). His grandson Philip Krusius in 1649 received from the Swedish Queen Cristina the noble name Kruuz, later converted to "von Kruzenstern." Participated in the embassy, sent in 1655 to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in order to confirm the Stolbov Treaty. The Stockholm archive stores the protocols of the embassy and the description of the Russian state, compiled by Krszius
    • Ivan Fedorovich Krusenstern

      The most famous representative of the clan is Ivan Fedorovich Krusenstern (8 (19) November 1770, the estate of Haghoudis, Estland province, the Russian Empire - 12 (24) August 1846, the dacha of Ass, near Tallinn, Estland province, the Russian Empire) - Russian navigator, admiral, who made the first Russian round-the-world expedition