Общество в целом. Общие характеристики социума
Материалы по теме
Civil Society and the State: a Socio-Constructivist Analysis of the Processes of Interaction of Social Structures and Institutions
Kirik, Vladimir Alexandrovich
Civil society and the state: social and constructivist analysis of the processes of interaction of social structures and institutions. Rostov-on-Don, 2009. |
Civil society in the regional socio-political process of modern Russia: priorities of activity, development trends
Stebletsova, Nadezhda Nikolaevna (candidate of political sciences). Civil society in the regional socio-political process of modern Russia: priorities of activity, development trends. Eagle, 2010. |
Power relations and their role in shaping the social structure of modern Russian society
Zhigaeva, Kamila Vagifovna
Power relations and their role in shaping the social structure of modern Russian society. Rostov-on-Don, 2009. |
The Great October Socialist Revolution and the formation of a new man
Rosenthal, Mark Moiseevich (1906-1975). The Great October Socialist Revolution and the formation of a new man. Moscow: True, 1947. |
"Society of Knowledge": philosophical and methodological and science analysis
"Society of Knowledge": philosophical and methodological and science analysis.2016.