Всемирная история
Материалы по теме
Historical Herald. 1891 T. 43. January-February
Historical Herald. St. Petersburg: ed.-Ed. SN Shubinsky, 1880-1917. 1891 T. 43. January-February. 1891. |
Historical Herald. 1889 [T. 35]. February
Historical Herald. St. Petersburg: ed.-Ed. SN Shubinsky, 1880-1917. 1889 [T. 35]. February. 1889. |
Historical Herald. 1889. [T. 35]. March
Historical Herald. St. Petersburg: ed.-Ed. SN Shubinsky, 1880-1917. 1889. [T. 35]. March. 1889. |
Historical Herald. 1886. T. 24. May-June
Historical Herald. St. Petersburg: ed.-Ed. SN Shubinsky, 1880-1917. 1886. T. 24. May-June. 1886. |
Historical Herald. 1885. [T. 20]. May June
Historical Herald. St. Petersburg: ed.-Ed. SN Shubinsky, 1880-1917. 1885. [T. 20]. May June. St. Petersburg: B. and., [19 -]. |
Historical literature. T. 2. 1941
Historical literature. 1941. 2. Moscow: OGIZ, 1941-. 1941. |
The intelligentsia in the faces
The intelligentsia in the faces.2018.
Empire and nation in the mirror of historical memory
Empire and nation in the mirror of historical memory. Moscow: The New Publishing House, 2011. |
Известия Историко-филологического института князя Безбородко в Нежине. Т. 23 1907
Nezhinsky Institute of History and Philology of the book. Bezborodko. Proceedings of the Historical and Philological Institute of Prince Bezborodko in Nezhin. Nezhin, 1877-1916. Vol. 23 1907. Nezhin: Tipo-lithography by V. Melenevsky's heirs, 1907. |
News of the Imperial Archaeological Society. [T. 1], vol. 6 (1859)
Russian Archaeological Society. News of the Imperial Archaeological Society. St. Petersburg, 1857-1884. [T. 1], vol. 6 (1859). 1859. |