СССР в период Великой Отечественной войны (1941

СССР в период Великой Отечественной войны (1941

Материалы по теме

"Each of us must demand from ourselves and from other discipline, organization, selflessness worthy of a real Soviet patriot to ensure all the needs of the Red Army, Navy and Aviation in order to ensure victory over the enemy" (Molotov)

"Each of us must demand from ourselves and from other discipline, organization, selflessness worthy of a real Soviet patriot to provide all the needs of the Red Army, Navy and Aviation in order to ensure victory over the enemy" (Molotov).

"Winter campaign" of the Germans failed! The Red Army dealt a crushing blow to the German invaders. The Germans' hope for a "spring campaign" is doomed to failure. The powerful unity of the Soviet people is the guarantee of this!

Eliseev, Konstantin Stepanovich (graphic artist, 1890-1968). "Winter campaign" of the Germans failed! The Red Army dealt a crushing blow to the German invaders. The Germans' hope for a "spring campaign" is doomed to failure. The vice of this is the mighty unity of the Soviet people !.
