Экономика. Экономические науки
Специальные и отраслевые экономики. Экономика межотраслевых комплексов 3255
- Материально-техническое обеспечение
- Планирование. Экономическое прогнозирование
- Специальные типовые деления для детализации материалов в разделах специальных, отраслевых экономик, экономики мира в целом, систем стран и отдельных стран
- Страхование. Социальное страхование. Социальное обеспечение. Социальная помощь
- Финансы. Кредит. Денежное обращение
- Экономика агропромышленного комплекса. Экономика сельского хозяйства
- Экономика жилищно-коммунального хозяйства. Экономика бытового обслуживания населения
- Экономика информатики
- Экономика лесного хозяйства. Экономика лесоэксплуатации
- Экономика мелиоративного хозяйства. Экономика водного хозяйства
- Экономика непроизводственной (социально-культурной) сферы
- Экономика общественного питания. Экономика гостиничного хозяйства. Экономика туризма
- Экономика охраны окружающей среды. Экономика природопользования
- Экономика предприятия (фирмы)
- Экономика промышленности
- Экономика рыбного хозяйства. Экономика рыбной промышленности
- Экономика связи
- Экономика строительства
- Экономика торговли
- Экономика транспорта
- Экономика труда
Материалы по теме
Agency message (encryption) from Washington about the plan of German industrialists according to post -war underground activities
Agency message (encryption) from Washington about the plan of German industrialists according to post -war underground activities.
Autonomous Kyrgyz Socialist Soviet Republic
Autonomous Kyrgyz Socialist Soviet Republic. [Moscow; Leningrad: b. and., 1925]. |
Automatic welding of the sides by welding heads of academician E.O. Paton at factory No. 183 named afterComintern of the People's Commissariat of the Tank Industry of the USSR (Nizhny Tagil)
F. 8752.Automatic welding of the sides by welding heads of academician E.O. Paton at factory No. 183 named afterThe Comintern of the People's Commissariat of the Tank Industry of the USSR (Nizhny Tagil).
[Customs Regulations of 1755]
Russia. The Empress (1741-1762, Elizaveta Petrovna). [Customs Regulations of 1755]. [St. Petersburg: printed at the Senate, December 1, 1755]. |
[Estimates and layouts on Vesyegonsky uyezd] .... ... for 1872 year.
Vesyegonsky district. zemstvo board [Estimates and layouts on Vesyegonsky uyezd] .... ... for 1872 .. Tver, [1867] -1884. : [Vesyegonskaya Zemsky Lit., 1871]. |
Shokalsky, Julius Mikhailovich (1856-1940). [Review]. [B. m., after 1904]. |
[On the working group for the development of a project to create a territorially isolated complex for the development of research and development and the commercialization of their results]
Russian Federation. President (2008-; DA Medvedev). [On the working group for the development of a project to create a territorially isolated complex for the development of research and development and the commercialization of their results]. Moscow, 2010. |
[On holding an extended meeting of the Presidium of the State Council of the Russian Federation on 20 February 2009 in Irkutsk with the agenda "On improving the effectiveness of measures of state support for the real sector of the economy"]
Russian Federation. President (2008 -; DA Medvedev). [On holding an extended meeting of the Presidium of the State Council of the Russian Federation on 20 February 2009 in Irkutsk with the agenda "On improving the effectiveness of measures of state support for the real sector of the economy"]. Moscow, 2009. |
[On the recognition of the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 22, 2008, N 143-rp as invalid]
Russian Federation. President (2008-; DA Medvedev). [On the recognition of the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 22, 2008, N 143-rp as invalid]. Moscow, 2010. |
[On completing the list of investment projects planned for implementation in the Far East]: Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 28, 2017 No. 1842-r
[On completing the list of investment projects planned for implementation in the Far East]: Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 28, 2017 No. 1842-r. 2017. |