The case on the highest command, on the compilation of a special committee to consider the draft of the new Charter and the stat...

Identifier 4e9e4d9f-0c51-426b-9ec1-e276f250bcc9
Title The case on the highest command, on the compilation of a special committee to consider the draft of the new Charter and the state of the Russian Academy, on bringing them to the highest approval and on vacation for the content of the Academy annually by 60,000 rubles and to establish a typography, at a time - 30000 rubles
Dates 1816.
Notes Handwritten text.Ink
Text language Russian
Level Case
Call number РГИА. 733 / 14 / 15
Cataloguing source RGIA
Series Inventory No. 14.
Extent 173 sheets
Creator Academy of Sciences
Fonds Department of Education of the Ministry of Education
Display format