Decree of the office of his imperial majesty with a resolution on recognition of the merits of I.I.Polzunova in the invention of...

Title Decree of the office of his imperial majesty with a resolution on recognition of the merits of I.I.Polzunova in the invention of a steam machine (UD No. 2)
Dates 19.11.1763
Notes 605: Altai Territory: Pages of the history of persons. Dog.No. 225/22b of June 16, 2022.Date of the document: 11/19/1763 Foundation 1 Inventory 1 Case 411 sheet 102-113
Text language Русский
Level Document
Call number ГААК. Ф. 1. Канцелярия Колывано-Воскресенского горного начальства. Канцелярия Колывано-Воскресенского горного начальства. Оп. 1. Д. 411. Л. 102-113
Original location Государственный архив Алтайского края
Cataloguing source PB named afterB.N.Yeltsin
Digital copy source State.Archive of the Altai Territory
Display format