Steam machines
Steam machines
- Ivan Polzunov
II Polzunov
Danilevsky I. I. Polzunov.
Moscow; Leningrad: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1940.Russian antiquity. G. 15 1884, Vol. 41, [bk. 1-3], January-March
Russian antiquity. St. Petersburg, 1870-1918.
G. 15 1884, Vol. 41, [bk. 1-3], January-March. 1884.Ural technician.G. 2. 1926. No. 9. June
Ural technician.G. 2. 1926. No. 9. June.1926.Laptev-Zenkovsky. The first Russian mechanic I. I. Polzunov (scans 5–6)
The longitudinal section of the steam machine I.I.Polzunova (UD No. 6)
The longitudinal section of the steam machine I.I.Polzunov (UD No. 6).Decree of the office of his imperial majesty with a resolution on recognition of the merits of I.I.Polzunova in the invention of a steam machine (UD No. 2)
Decree of the office of his imperial majesty with a resolution on recognition of the merits of I.I.Polzunov in the invention of a steam machine (UD No. 2).1763.Order of the Chancellery of the Kolyvano-Voskresensky mountain authorities on the consideration of the project of the steam machine I.I.Polzunova (UD No. 3)
Order of the Chancellery of the Kolyvano-Voskresensky mountain authorities on the consideration of the project of the steam machine I.I.Rolzunov (UD No. 3).1764.Surgut print of personal press I.I.Polzunov under the sentence of a military court ("maxim" ) in the military-court case of Berggeshworen V. Beer (UD No. 5)
Surgut print of personal press I.I.Polzunov under the verdict of the military court ("maxim" ) in the military-court case of Berggeshworen V. Beer (UD No. 5).1764.Representations of various departments and correspondence on issues: On the resolution of the ubiquitous collection and donations to the perpetuation of the memory of Admiral F. F. Ushakov, the inventor of the world's first dual steam car I. I. Polzunova, General Chernyeva, etc.
Council of Ministers (1905-1917).Representations of various departments and correspondence on issues: On the resolution of the ubiquitous collection and donations to the perpetuation of the memory of Admiral F. F. Ushakov, the inventor of the world's first dual steam car I. I. Polzunova, General Chernyeva, etc.Scans 12–14
Ivan Polzunov, Inventor of the First Steam Engine in Europe in 1764-1766 / Report by A. N. Voeikov and O. F. Nikolai. Pages 289-300 (scans 305-316)