Agricultural machinery

Agricultural machinery

The case of issuing privileges to St. Petersburg merchants Dmitry and Nikita Kobex on the car for the preparation of artificial fertilizer from bones

Department of State Saving Department of the State Council.The case of the privileges of the St. Petersburg merchants to Dmitry and Nikita Kobex on the car for the preparation of artificial fertilizer from bones.
Federal State Institution "Russian State Historical Archive" (RGIA)

Dmitry Kobyzev (1801–?), a second-guild merchant, inventor, judge of the St. Petersburg Trade Court in 1860-1863, owner of a stone factory. In 1843 he received a patent for a steam engine for cutting wall-stone. In the 1840s, he and his brother founded the first bone-burning plant.
Nikita Kobyzev (? - circa 1849), a second-guild merchant and inventor.