Monthly economic journal was published in St. Petersburg in 1825-1860 and 1864-1867. It was the official body of the Department of Manufactories and Internal Trade of the Ministry of Finance. In 1839-1857 the weekly “Gornozavodskiye and manufactornye news” was also published. In the 1850s the journal was edited by S. I. Lvovsky. In 1861-1863 the journal replaced the magazine "Promyshlennost", which was published twice a month under the editorship of V. I. Strubinsky. In 1864-1866 the journal was published under the same name edited by E. N. Andreeva. Since 1867, instead of the “Journal of Manufactories and Trade”, the “Notes of the Russian Technical Society” was released. The journal included articles of a legislative and regulatory nature on industry, domestic and foreign trade and finance, information on privileges for inventions and articles on technical topics. The journal also covered domestic and foreign industry and trade, a chronicle, published reviews of the state of industry in the provinces and by industry; descriptions of enterprises and agricultural exhibitions; notes on the development of crafts; information about prices, fairs, river navigation and other materials on the history of domestic industry and technology.
Presented issues: 1836-1841.