Musical instruments

Musical instruments

The case of the privileges of Kappelmeyster Ivankov, on the flaghel-horn invented

Department of State Saving Department of the State Council.The case of the privilege of Kappelmeyster Ivankov, on the Flygel-Gorn invented.
Federal State Institution "Russian State Historical Archive" (RGIA)

Ref. also: Complete Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire: Collection 2. St. Petersburg: The Printing House of His Imperial Majesty's Second Chancellery, 1830-1885. Volume 6. Department 1: 1831. From No. 4233-4779. 1832. Pages 475–476 (scans 478–479) - A privilege given to Kapellmeister Ivankov for the invention of the mid-tone flugelhorn.

The case of issuing privileges to the piano master Mabeom on the tool "piano" invented by him

Department of State Saving Department of the State Council.The case of issuing the privileges of the piano master Mabeom to the "piano" tool invented them.
Federal State Institution "Russian State Historical Archive" (RGIA)

Alexander Meibom, a Moscow merchant and a piano master. He opened his workshop in the early XIX century. His invention is a cabinet grand piano (the original name "royalet"), he produced about 1500 instruments.