Russian antiquity. 1884. T. 43. [Book. 7-9]. July-September

Russian antiquity: months. east. Ed., founded on Jan. 1. 1870 - St. Petersburg: B. and., 1884. - .
Source of the electronic copy: PB
1884. T. 43. [Book. 7-9]. July-September: The year is the fifteenth. - A type. V.S. Balasheva, 1884.-682, VI, VI with. : ill., portraits .. -
Contents: Book. 7: Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin: his manuscripts in the Rumyantsev Museum in Moscow / Soobshch. V.E. Yakushkin. Notes of Gustav von-Strandman. 1771-1778 years .: Trans. with him. ruk. / Message. N.K. von-Strandman. Zapiski D.I. Rostislavova, prof. St. Petersburg. the spiritual academy, the white clergy. Ch. 18. D.V. Dashkov and gr. DI. Khvostov in the Society of Lovers of Literature, Sciences and Arts in 1812 / Soobshch. prof. N.S. Tikhonravov. Nikolai Ivanovich Gnedich, 1784-1884 / Message. S.I. Ponomarev, [and others]; Book. 8: Patriarch Nikon on the newly discovered N.A. Gibbet material, 1658 New Jerusalem: From travel notes / Mash. A.A. Navrotsky. Notes of Gustav von-Strandman. 1779-1780 years .: Trans. with him. ruk. / Message. N.K. von-Strandman. Zapiski D.I. Rostislavova, prof. St. Petersburg. the spiritual academy, the white clergy. Ch. 19. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin: manuscripts of the poet, stored in the Rumyantsev Museum in Moscow. Ch. 9 and 10 / Msg. V.E. Yakushkin, [and others]; Book. 9: Questions of life: Posthumous notes of Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov. Ch. 1-6. The poet-peasant Spiridon Drozhzhin in his memoirs on life and poetry, 1848-1884. Alexei Petr. Ermolov and his kebin wives in the Caucasus, 1816-1827. / Message. Hell. P. Berger. War with the Polish rebels in 1831 in the correspondence of Nicholas I. Polish uprising in 1830-1831 .: Mokhnatsky's story: Trans. with the floor. Ch. 4, [and others]. - Bibliograf. in a substring. Notes .. - Библиогр. leaflet: with. 2-3 reg.
Source of the electronic copy: PB
Publisher типография В. С. Балашева
Catalogue object