Diary entries

Diary entries

Russian antiquity. 1885. T. 45. [Book. 1]. January

Russian antiquity. St. Petersburg: B. and., 1885.
1885. T. 45. [Book. 1]. January. 1885.

Posthumous notes of Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov. Childhood and youth. pp. 1-54 (scans 13-66).
Bertenson V. I. On the moral worldview of N. I. Pirogov. pp. 247-258 (scans 263-274).

Reports of the Tula Provincial Zemstvo Board ... Provincial Zemstvo Assembly. IX the next ... [1873]. Book. 1

Tula provincial Zemstvo government. Reports of the Tula Provincial Zemstvo Board ... Provincial Zemstvo Assembly. Tula: Type. NI Sokolova, 1866-1900.
IX the next ... [1873]. Book. 1. 1873.

Posthumous notes of Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov. At Moscow University. pp. 259-310 (scans 9-60).