Semyonovsky Bridge
Semyonovsky Bridge
- Archive materials
The master plan for all works for the complete end of the canal from the Semenovsky parade bridge to the upper mouth of the r. Not you
Plans and drawings of waterways and highways (collection).
Master plan for all works for the complete end of the canal from the Semenovsky parade bridge to the upper mouth of the r. Not you.Two dilapidated lintels at the Semenovskiy parade bridge across the Obvodny Canal at the new mouth of the Black River in St. Petersburg. Facade, plan, cut
Plans and drawings of waterways and highways (collection).
Two dilapidated lintels at the Semenovskiy parade bridge across the Obvodny Canal at the new mouth of the Black River in St. Petersburg. Facade, plan, cut.Project for the reconstruction of the Semeonov Bridge across the river. Fontanka in St. Petersburg. 1859
Project for the reconstruction of the Semeonov Bridge across the river. Fontanka in St. Petersburg. 1859, 1859. - Visual materials
Semenov bridge. St. Petersburg. Bridge reconstruction: photo
Semenov bridge. St. Petersburg. Bridge reconstruction: photo.Semenov bridge. St. Petersburg. Reconstruction. Granite disassembly: photo
Semenov bridge. St. Petersburg. Reconstruction. Disassembly of granite: photo.Semenov bridge. St. Petersburg. After reconstruction: photo
Semenov bridge. St. Petersburg. After reconstruction: photo.