Malaya Neva River
Malaya Neva River
- Birzhevoy Bridge
- Visual materials
Leningrad. View of the Builders Bridge and the Stock Exchange Arrow
Leningrad. View of the Builders Bridge and the Stock Exchange Arrow.Exchange Bridge. St. Petersburg. Bridge builders: photo
Exchange Bridge. St. Petersburg. Bridge builders: photo.Exchange Bridge. St. Petersburg. Naval ships on the bridge builders. 1956: photography
Exchange Bridge. St. Petersburg. Naval ships on the bridge builders. 1956: photography.Leningrad. Bridge builders / Fot. E.Haikina and A.Sekke
Leningrad. Bridge builders / Fot. E.Haikina and A.Sekke.Exchange Bridge. St. Petersburg. Repair flooring on the Builders' Bridge. 1955: photography
Exchange Bridge. St. Petersburg. Repair flooring on the Builders' Bridge. 1955: photography.Exchange Bridge. St. Petersburg. Left-bank abutment of the Builders bridge: photo
Exchange Bridge. St. Petersburg. Left bank abutment of the Builders bridge: a photograph. 1958.Exchange Bridge. St. Petersburg. Scaffolding at the river supports of the Builders Bridge. 1958: photography
Exchange Bridge. St. Petersburg. Scaffolding at the river supports of the Builders Bridge. 1958: photography.Exchange Bridge. St. Petersburg. Approach to the left bank abutment of the Stroiteley bridge. 1958: photography
Exchange Bridge. St. Petersburg. Approach to the left bank abutment of the Stroiteley bridge. 1958: photography.Exchange Bridge. St. Petersburg. Bridge Builders. View from the Makarov embankment: photo
Exchange Bridge. St. Petersburg. Bridge Builders. View from the Makarov embankment: a photograph.Exchange Bridge. St. Petersburg. Divorced Center Span: Photo
Exchange Bridge. St. Petersburg. Divorced central span: photograph.Exchange bridge over Malaya Neva
Exchange bridge over Malaya Neva.Cup of Confederations on football 2017. Welcome decoration of St. Petersburg. Stock exchange bridge. [1]
Opoka, Olga Vladimirovna. Cup of Confederations on football 2017. Welcome decoration of St. Petersburg. Stock exchange bridge. [1]. St. Petersburg, June 16, 2017.
- Tuchkov Bridge
- Archive materials
General plan Tuchkovu hemp rebel with an alleged bridge and dam in St. Petersburg. 1847
General plan Tuchkovu hemp rebel with an alleged bridge and dam in St. Petersburg. 1847, 1884.Temporary pier in front of the bridge from Vasilievsky Island of St. Petersburg. Plan cuts
Plans and drawings of waterways and highways (collection).
Temporary dock in front of the bridge from the Vasilievsky Island of St. Petersburg. Plan, cuts. - Visual materials
Tuchkov bridge. St. Petersburg. Reconstruction. 1962-1965: the photo
Tuchkov bridge. St. Petersburg. Reconstruction. 1962-1965: photo.Tuchkov bridge. St. Petersburg. Reconstruction: photo
Tuchkov bridge. St. Petersburg. Reconstruction: photography.Tuchkov bridge. St. Petersburg: photography
Tuchkov bridge. St. Petersburg: photography.Tuchkov bridge. St. Petersburg. 1976-1980: photo
Tuchkov bridge. St. Petersburg. 1976-1980: photo.Tuchkov bridge. St. Petersburg. General view: photo
Tuchkov bridge. St. Petersburg. General view: photo.Tuchkov bridge. St. Petersburg. Divorced span: photo
Tuchkov bridge. St. Petersburg. Divorced span: photography.