Potseluyev Bridge (Bridge of Kisses)
Potseluyev Bridge (Bridge of Kisses)
- Archive materials
Plan part of the right bank of the river. Sinks between the Kiss-bridge and the candle house of the 1st Admiralty part of St. Petersburg. b / d.
Plan part of the right bank of the river. Sinks between the Kiss-bridge and the candle house of the 1st Admiralty part of St. Petersburg. b / d. - Visual materials
Kissing bridge. St. Petersburg. Facade. 1953: photography
Kissing bridge. St. Petersburg. Facade. 1953: photography.Kissing bridge. St. Petersburg. Horseback: photo
Kissing bridge. St. Petersburg. Horseback side of the bridge .: photography.Kissing bridge
Kissing bridge.