Publication of the Imperial Free Economic Society. It was published from 1765 to 1915 in St. Petersburg (with interruptions in publication). In 1779–1794 the "Proceedings" were released under the title "Continuation of the Proceedings ...", in 1795-1798 - "A new continuation of the Proceedings ...", from 1810 - "Proceedings...". In 1915, the publication was discontinued. It was resumed in 1994 as "Scientific Works of the International Union of Economists and the Free Economic Society of Russia". The editors of the "Proceedings" were, as a rule, the secretaries of the Society. The periodicity is different: from 1 to 12 books per year. Materials on agriculture, issues of farming, soil science, zemstvo movement, education and other topics related to the activities of the Society were published. Numerous appendices were included in the publication. They were sent out in sheets and attached to the issues of the journal (for example, V. F. Karavaev Bibliographic review of Zemstvo statistical and evaluation literature since the establishment of Zemstvos; Bulletin of the Committee for Assistance to the Starving at the Free Economic Society; etc.). In addition, the "Appendices" contained the annual reports of the Society, estimates of income and expenses, lists of members of the Society, systematic lists of receipts in the library, reviews of popular publications on agriculture. Additions and appendices were also published: “Economic Notes”, “Russian Beekeeping Leaf”, “News of the Free Economic Society”, etc. There are content indexes: S. N. Livotov. Table of contents of the works, consisting in 63 books under the title: Proceedings of the Free Economic Society (St. Petersburg, 1812); V. I. Vsevolodov Alphabetical index of articles published in Proceedings and other periodicals of the Free Economic Society (St. Petersburg, 1849); F. I. Groman Alphabetical and systematic index of articles published in the Proceedings of the Free Economic Society for 1855 (St. Petersburg, 1856); A. N. Neustroev Bibliographic description of the first 54 parts of the "Proceedings" of the Free Economic Society (St. Petersburg, 1874); A. I. Teodorovich Index of articles published in the "Proceedings" of the Free Economic Society from 1855 to 1875 inclusive (St. Petersburg, 1876); A. V. Belevich Index of articles published in the "Proceedings" of the Free Economic Society for 1876-1888. (St. Petersburg, 1889); V. I. Shary Proceedings of the Free Economic Society for the last 15 years of publication (1889-1903) (St. Petersburg, 1904).
Presented issues: 1785, 1787, 1819, 1820, 1845, 1846, 1850-1852, 1871, 1882, 1888, 1896, 1898, 1900, 1902, 1907