Northwestern Federal District
Northwestern Federal District
The role of cities in the transformation of the spatial organization of the Russian economy
Stroev, Pavel Viktorovich. The role of cities in the transformation of the spatial organization of the Russian economy. Moscow, 2015.
Interregional interaction as a factor in the development of regional socio-economic systems (for the example of the North-West Federal District)
Bakumenko, Olga Arkadyevna.Interregional interaction as a factor in the development of regional socio-economic systems (for the example of the North-Western Federal District).St. Petersburg, 2017.
Management of the stability of the revenue base of the consolidated budgets of the subjects of the Federation
Galukhin, Anton Viktorovich (candidate of economic sciences). Management of the stability of the revenue base of the consolidated budgets of the subjects of the Federation. Vologda, 2018.
- Kaliningrad Region
Regional priorities of financial and economic development of special economic zones
Regional priorities of financial and economic development of special economic zones (on the example of the Kaliningrad region). 2008. - Novgorod Region
Legislative activity of the subject of the Russian Federation in the sphere of regulation of economic relations (based on the materials of the Novgorod Region)
Dorofeeva, Larisa Vasilyevna. Legislative activity of the subject of the Russian Federation in the sphere of regulation of economic relations (based on the materials of the Novgorod Region). St. Petersburg, 2006.The development of cultural and tourist clusters based on public-private partnerships (on the example of the Novgorod region)
Khoroshevskaya, Valeria Valerievna (candidate of economic sciences).The development of cultural and tourist clusters based on public-private partnership (for example, the Novgorod region).St. Petersburg, 2019. - Republic of Karelia
Ways to increase the energy efficiency of the region’s economy: organizational and economic aspect
Shcherbak, Anton Pavlovich (candidate of economic sciences).Ways to increase the energy efficiency of the region’s economy: organizational and economic aspect.St. Petersburg, 2016. - St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region
Provision of economic security of a megacity with the tools of migration policy (on the example of St. Petersburg)
Sidenko, Alexander Georgievich. Ensuring the economic security of the megapolis with the tools of migration policy (on the example of St. Petersburg). St. Petersburg, 2014.The formation of a mechanism for improving the management of innovative and investment activities of the region (for example, the Leningrad region)
Alyoshin, Andrey Igorevich (candidate of economic sciences).The formation of a mechanism for improving the management of innovative and investment activities of the region (for example, the Leningrad region).St. Petersburg, 2017.Forms and mechanism of interaction between regional, municipal authorities and business structures (for example, St. Petersburg)
Ivanov, Dmitry Vladimirovich (candidate of economic sciences).Forms and mechanism of interaction between bodies of regional, municipal authorities and business structures (for example, St. Petersburg).St. Petersburg, 2019.Formation of the concept of the development strategy of the regional food market in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region
Voronkov, Sergey Sergeevich.Formation of the concept of the development strategy of the regional food market in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region.Moscow, 2020.