Современное состояние русского языка (с 90-х годов ХХ века до наших дней)
Современное состояние русского языка (с 90-х годов ХХ века до наших дней)
The concept of "power" in Russian linguistic culture
Kasatkina, Elena Alexandrovna. The concept of "power" in Russian linguistic culture. Rostov-on-Don, 2012.
Ichthyological vocabulary of Voronezh dialects
Kuidina, Elena Petrovna (candidate of philological sciences). Ichthyological vocabulary of Voronezh dialects. Voronezh, 2012.
Orthodox vocabulary in the modern Russian language and the linguistic consciousness of its speakers
Matei, Igor Konstantinovich (Candidate of Philology). Orthodox vocabulary in the modern Russian language and the linguistic consciousness of its bearers. Voronezh, 2012.
Content-compositional and stylistic features of the Russian political solemn speech
Mehta Andzhu (Candidate of Philology). Content-compositional and stylistic features of the Russian political solemn speech. Moscow, 2012.
The village of Apukhtino in the Odoyevsky district of the Tula region
Rodina, Margarita Aleksandrovna (candidate of philological sciences). The village of Apukhtino of the Odoyevsky district of the Tula region. Moscow, 2012.
Dynamics of genre and stylistic features of the Russian epistolary discourse of speakers of the elite type of speech culture
Kuryanovich, Anna Vladimirovna (Doctor of Philology). Dynamics of the genre and stylistic features of the Russian epistolary discourse of the speakers of the elite type of speech culture. Tomsk, 2013.
Subtext as a linguoesthetic category in the prose of Anton Chekhov
Lelis, Elena Ivanovna. Subtext as a linguistic esthetic category in the prose of Anton Chekhov. Saratov, 2013.
Political correctness as a linguistic and ideological phenomenon and its reception in Russian linguoculture
Maiba, Vita Viktorovna. Political correctness as a linguistic and ideological phenomenon and its reception in Russian linguoculture. Rostov-on-Don, 2013.
Semantic-Pragmatic and Legal Aspects of Insult as a Kind of Verbal Aggression
Tokarev, Grigory Valerievich (Doctor of Philology). Semantic-pragmatic and legal aspects of insult as a kind of verbal aggression. St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2013
Language means of dialogue dialogization in the discourse of conversation and discussion of an actual topic on the radio NO BO
Language means of dialogizing communication in the discourse of a conversation-discussion of an actual topic on the radio NO BO. 2013.