Современное состояние русского языка (с 90-х годов ХХ века до наших дней)
Современное состояние русского языка (с 90-х годов ХХ века до наших дней)
Phraseological prepositions in texts of official and business style
Shestakova, Ekaterina Vladimirovna. Phraseological prepositions in the texts of the official-business style. Chelyabinsk, 2010.
Archetypical keywords of domestic political speech
Yashin, Vladimir Nikolaevich. Archetypal keywords of domestic political speech. Saratov, 2010.
СГУ. Сайт
History of the names of residents. Chigorak, Borisoglebsky district, Voronezh region
Gorelova, Larisa Demyanovna (Candidate of Philology). History of the names of residents. Chigorak, Borisoglebsky district, Voronezh region. Voronezh, 2011.
Specificity of the legal metaphor in the individual vocabulary
Konstantinova, Margarita Vladimirovna (candidate of historical sciences). Specificity of the legal metaphor in the individual vocabulary. Kursk, 2011.
Quotation and citation in the texts of modern Russian newspapers
Sablina, Marina V.
Quotation and citation in the texts of modern Russian newspapers.
Krasnoyarsk, 2011.
Krasnoyarsk, 2011.
The language image of the basic values of Russians
Samoylova, Svetlana Petrovna (candidate of philological sciences). The language image of the basic values of Russians. Moscow, 2011.
The language picture of the world of the Russian diaspora in Kazakhstan
Svinchukova, Elena Gennadievna (Candidate of Philology). Language picture of the world of the Russian diaspora in Kazakhstan. Moscow, 2011.
Vocabulary of the wedding ceremony of the Kuban (on the material of the ceremonial practice of the village of Chernokerovskaya, Krasnodar Territory)
Finko, Olga Sergeevna (Candidate of Philology). Vocabulary of the wedding ceremony of the Kuban (on the material of the ritual practice of the village of Chernokerovskaya, Krasnodar Territory). Kursk, 2011.
Social conditioning of the diversification of political discourse
Danilenko, Olga Vasilievna (candidate of philological sciences). Social conditioning of the diversification of political discourse. Moscow, 2012.
Orthodox sermon as a genre of church-religious style of the modern Russian literary language
Zvezdin, Dmitry Alexandrovich (Candidate of Philology). Orthodox sermon as a genre of church-religious style of the modern Russian literary language. Chelyabinsk, 2012.