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International events: Exhibition “Russian Court Ceremony” to kick off in Beijing
18 July 2019
The exhibition “Russian Court Ceremony” is opening on August 8, 2019 in the Palace Museum (Gugong) in Beijing. This is the second part of a joint project carried out by the world-famous Palace Museum (Beijing) and the Moscow Kremlin Museums as part of the cooperation between the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China. It is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between two countries celebrated in 2019. The first part of this cultural...
из самого сердца России, Московского Кремля, – это бесценные источники знаний. Благодаря знакомству с ними
Society and book culture: Book Festival "Red Square" is opened in Moscow
31 May 2018
The book festival "Red Square" is opened in the center of the Russian capital. In connection with the preparation for the World Cup, the country's main literary holiday this year will be held from May 31 to June 3 on the Red Square and it will be completed on June 6 on the birthday of Alexander Pushkin on the Pushkin Square.
, в сердце столицы состоится уже в четвёртый раз.
За четыре дня фестиваля свои постановки и программы
To the 80th anniversary of the birth of Yuri Gagarin: Exhibition of archival materials in Saint-Petersburg
12 March 2014
To the 80th anniversary of Y. A. Gagarin the Military-Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineer and Signal Corps (St. Petersburg) opened an exhibition dedicated to the first cosmonaut of the planet.
новых экспонатов – книга матери Юрия Гагарина – Анны Тимофеевны «Память сердца», в которой
К 66-й годовщине снятия фашистской блокады Ленинграда: В Санкт-Петербурге проходят торжественные мероприятия
27 January 2010
Навечно вписан в историю города на Неве "Ленинградский День Победы": 66 лет назад - 27 января 1944 года - советские войска после двухнедельного наступления полностью освободили Ленинград от 900-дневной фашисткой блокады.
и ночей обороны города. Вечер памяти в самом сердце Санкт-Петербурга - Петропавловской крепости
Video conferencing "National Theater: Past and Present" united regions of Russia
28 March 2019
World Theater Day, March 27 was celebrated by M. Gorky Volgograd Regional Universal Research Library with a series of events. One of the key was the interregional scientific and practical videoconference "National Theater: Past and Present", which was held under the auspices of the Presidential Library and Culture Committee of the Volgograd Regional Duma as part of the historical and cultural project "Theater as a testimony of the epoch".
лаборатории «Достучаться до сердец», в рамках которой секретами мастерства поделились лауреат многочисленных
The Presidential Library held a video lecture devoted to Mikhail Bulgakov’s 130th anniversary
9 July 2021
On July 9, 2021, the Presidential Library hosted a video lecture entitled "Mikhail Bulgakov: Writer, Playwright and Era" as part of the Knowledge of Russia project. The event marked the 130th anniversary of the birth of the classic of Russian literature.
знаменитых произведений – «Мастер и Маргарита», «Собачье сердце», «Белая гвардия», «Записки юного
Exhibition "Stalingrad in British History" opened in Coventry
13 October 2021
The exhibition "Stalingrad in British History" donated to the city by the Russian House in London was opened in Coventry. Rare documents from the archives of Russia and Great Britain, photographs and eyewitness recollections tell about the humanitarian aid of the inhabitants of Coventry to the Soviet city during the Second World War.
мировой цивилизации, наши сердца тянутся к вам, тем, кто гибнет и страдает гораздо больше нашего
Saint-Petersburg bloggers reported from the Presidential Library
28 November 2018
St. Petersburg participants of one of the largest associations in the Russian segment of the Internet, the Petersburg bloggers’ community, had an exclusive tour of the Presidential Library.
библиотека расположена в самом сердце Санкт-Петербурга, в здании Святейшего Синода, построенном в XIX
The life and endeavors of the Emperor Alexander I — in digital materials of the Presidential Library
23 December 2017
December 23, 2017, marks the 240th anniversary of the birth of the Russian Emperor Alexander I. Numerous historical materials dedicated to the autocrat can be found on the Presidential Library website in a particular selection, which is a part of an extensive electronic collection The Romanov dynasty. Zemsky Sobor of 1613.
, отмечает В. И. Срезневский: «Кротость, доброта, тонкий и проницательный ум, чистое сердце, способное... человеколюбия не увенчалась жизнь Александра Благословенного? О, добродетель! Ты была жизнь Александрова сердца
The Presidential Library reveals a story so well received by the author of Two Captains
1 February 2019
As part of the campaign to preserve the memory of the everyday life of besieged Leningrad, announced last year, St. Petersburg resident Anna Chernyak addressed the Presidential Library. She brought to digitize the besieged diary of her father, Yuri Khazanov as well as an amazing letter by which it can be concluded that the famous writer, author of “Two Captains” Veniamin Kaverin also leafed through this diary and, perhaps, even used it when writing his books.
, связанную с болезнью сердца, ещё до Великой Отечественной войны, он не был мобилизован в армию..., выдержит ли моё сердце. На всякий случай давай попрощаемся, моё счастье, ты со мной недолго прожила
John of Kronstadt - about himself, faith and helping people. Based on the Presidential Library’s materials
31 October 2021
Saint Righteous John of Kronstadt (John Ilyich Sergiev), canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church at the Local Cathedral on June 7-10, 1990, was born on October 19 (31 new style), 1829.
что я имею вас всегда в сердце своём и молюсь за вас. Вы дети мои, потому что вы духовныи чада мои..., когда сердце мальчика училось жалости и сочувствию к страданиям людей и проникалось искренней
Presidential Library preserves the memory of Besieged Leningrad
8 September 2024
On September 8, 1941, the Siege of Leningrad began, lasting for 872 days. It is one of the most tragic and heroic chapters in the history of the Great Patriotic War and Russia, as well as humanity as a whole.
«Мы остались в Ленинграде. Буду ли жив, не знаю, выдержит ли моё сердце. На всякий случай давай... Юрия Хазанова посвящены жене и дочери. Ещё до войны он получил инвалидность по болезни сердца
Society and Culture: “Recent Gifts from the Sobinov Family” exhibition currently underway at the singer’s House-Museum in Yaroslavl
21 October 2018
On October 19, 2018 the L. V. Sobinov House-Museum in Yaroslavl launched the exhibition “Recent Gifts from the Sobinov Family”. The current exhibition presents unique memorabilia, which have never been on display before.
года перестало биться сердце Орфея русской сцены. В этом году исполняется 84 года со дня его кончины
Memorial dates of Russia: Exhibitions in commemoration of Daniil Granin’s centenary of birth in Novgorod Regional Library
17 January 2019
The Novgorod Regional Research Library is holding two exhibitions marking the centenary of the birth of writer Daniil Granin, laureate of the National Award, Hero of Socialist Labour, veteran of the Great Patriotic War, holder of many orders and medals, and writer of modern classics. Both exhibitions are dedicated to the writer’s life and oeuvre. They will be open until January 30, 2019.
бессмертие его». Эти слова, увековеченные в самом сердце Великого Новгорода, в Кремле, у Вечного огня
“Swiss ballad” by Lev Sidorovsky in the spotlight of the Presidential Library’s cinema club
11 December 2019
The screening and discussion of the film “Swiss Ballad” will be held at the Presidential Library’s cinema club meeting on December 11, 2019 at 15.00. The film will be presented by its author Lev Sidorovsky, a well-known St. Petersburg journalist, laureate of city, all-Union and international competitions, Honored Worker of Culture of Russia, whose name is given to the small planet of the Solar System. The event will be broadcasted live on the Presidential Library’s portal.
, что Цюрих, как говорят, «руки Швейцарии», Берн – «голова», Люцерн – «сердце», прогуляться по Женеве
Крымский региональный центр: участие в конференции-вебинаре «День памяти А.С. Пушкина
10 February 2017
10 февраля в Крымском региональном центре доступа к информационным ресурсам Президентской библиотеки состоялась прямая трансляция ежегодной конференции-вебинара «День памяти А. С. Пушкина».
исследовательских, научно-проектных и творческих работ «Тебя ж, как первую любовь, России сердце
President of Russia: Vladimir Putin took part in the plenary session of the Russian Literature and Language Society’s Congress
27 May 2016
President of Russia Vladimir Putin took part in the plenary session of the Russian Literature and Language Society’s Congress.
для России работы, для всех наших граждан деятельности, и искренне, от всего сердца желаю вам удачи».
Society and Culture: The exhibition "Don. Sholokhov. Russia" from the M. A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve in Ryazan
17 March 2018
March 16, 2018 the Ryazan Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve hosts the exhibition "Don. Sholokhov. Russia" from the M. A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve (the Rostov region), which presents about 300 exhibits telling about the life and work of the great Russian writer and the historical path of the Don Cossacks - the main hero of his works.
пути донского казачества – главного героя его произведений.
Дорогое сердцу М. А. Шолохова казачество
Internet resources: Documentary video and audio of war times became available in the Internet
24 June 2014
June 20 Gosteleradiofond presented a new section of the multimedia portal “Heroic history of Russia in the projects of Gosteleradiofond”, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945.
- все записи легендарного радиоведущего Ю. Б. Левитана, голос которого с замиранием сердца слушала
IT and Society: Scientists unveil moving 3D holograms
8 November 2010
The holographic technology, which was described 30 years ago, is becoming a reality. A team of US researchers at the University of Arizona has developed a technology which enables to transmit and view moving three-dimensional images in real time. The scientists call their prototype a “holographic three-dimensional telepresence”.
В сердце новой системы находится новый фотографический полимер, разработанный калифорнийской
Territory of Russia: Results of the voting for the symbol of Russia named
7 October 2013
It was completed the final voting in the contest to select symbols of Russia, which identified ten winning attractions, according to the website of the project “Russia 10”.
из всех регионов страны.
В десятку победителей вошли Коломенский кремль, мечеть «Сердце Чечни», Ростовский
Memory of Russia: Historical and documentary exhibition "War, Sorrow, Dream and Youth" opened in Moscow
30 June 2020
June 25, 2020, the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art (Moscow) opened the historical and documentary exhibition "War, Sorrow, Dream and Youth".
и широкий отклик в сердцах миллионов людей.
Выставка будет работать по 23 октября 2020 года.
Guests from China took part in the discussion of the film "Chinese-Russian Book Way" in the Presidential Library
27 February 2019
The regular meeting of the Cinema Club focused on the theme "Libraries of China and Russia" was held in the Presidential Library. The program included the screening of the film “The Chinese-Russian Book Way”, made by the screenwriter Liang Longjiang, director Chen Xu. It is focused on important and specific areas of cooperation in the development of librarianship.
-российский книжный путь: «Хотя моя поездка окончена, моё сердце надолго остаётся здесь».
Webinar "Victory was forged in the Urals" features the feat of home front workers
29 October 2020
On October 29, 2020, an online webinar "Victory was forged in the Urals" was held at the Chelyabinsk Regional Universal Scientific Library with the support of the Presidential Library.
Так, Челябинская область стала сердцем танковой промышленности, а сам Челябинск получил второе
History and Culture: Exhibition of Boris Kustodiev's works "Merchant Russia" presented in Saint-Petersburg
14 March 2021
The Research Museum of the Russian Academy of Arts presents the exhibition of Boris Kustodiev's works "Merchant Russia".
до последних дней писал милые его сердцу русские типы. Серия акварелей предназначалась для задуманного