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Найдено 16 материалов
World history: Frédéric Chopin’s lost letters go on display in Warsaw
25 March 2011
Warsaw’s Chopin Museum has put on show six letters written by the composer, which were considered lost during World War II.
Музей Фредерика Шопена в Варшаве выставил на обозрение публики шесть писем композитора, которые.... Шопен писал эти письма из Парижа и Ноана. Послания были написаны по-польски и адресованы членам... Шопена, а также десятки документов, связанных с ним, оказались утерянными.
В 2003 году музейные... выставлены в музее до 25 апреля 2011 года.
Музей Фредерика Шопена был открыт во дворце Острожских...Музей Фредерика Шопена в Варшаве выставил на обозрение публики шесть писем композитора, которые...Мировая история: Утраченные письма Фредерика Шопена представлены в Варшаве
Music of the epoch of Nicholas I to be performed at the Presidential Library
27 June 2018
Another concert of the "Music of Russian Statehood" musical and educational project highlighting the epoch of Nicholas I will open at the Presidential Library (Senate Square, 3) on June 27, 2018 at 7 p.m.
Яблонски – один из лучших в мире исполнителей и знатоков музыки Фредерика Шопена. Прозвучит Концерт... для фортепиано с оркестром № 2, который был написан Шопеном в 1830 году. Ференц Лист говорил, что в этом
The music of Nicholas I’s epoch was performed in the Presidential Library
27 June 2018
June 27, 2018 the Presidential Library hosted another concert of the music and educational project "Music of Russian Statehood" dedicated to music of Nicholas I’s epoch. The concert organizers - the Foundation of the International Festival of Classical Music "Palaces of St. Petersburg" and the Presidential Library - dedicated an evening to the music of the epoch of the reign of Nicholas I, which lasted three decades and was marked by the creation and development of Russian industry and the...
Шопена. Прозвучал «Концерт для фортепиано № 2», про который Ференц Лист говорил, что в этом... своим сольным концертом Год Шопена в Сенате Польской Республики (2010). Кшиштоф начал брать уроки игры... многих престижных международных фортепианных соревнований, среди которых Конкурс имени Шопена в Варшаве
Internet and Culture: Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve broadcasts “Embassy Evenings” live
12 October 2018
Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve (Moscow) and the National Foundation for Support of Right-Holders continue “Embassy Evenings” series, which give a chance to discover the cultural heritage of different countries of the world.
посольства Республики Польша в Российской федерации состоится концерт «Шопен». На концерте прозвучат инструментальные и вокальные произведения великого композитора.
World culture: Masterpieces of painting of ancient masters, jewelry and applied arts presented at the Russian Antique Salon in Moscow
28 March 2015
From March 28 to April 5, 2015 in the Central House of Artists (Moscow) is held the 38th Russian Antique Salon. Leading galleries present at the court of art lovers paintings by old masters, the works of jewelry, icons and monuments to Soviet porcelain, paintings of Russian realist school and Oriental bronze.
Сазикова, Овчинникова, Хлебникова, Фаберже, Шопена, Верфеля, Морана, Берто, Соколови. Их изделия
The music of love to the Great City was performed in the Presidential Library
25 May 2018
May 25, 2018 the Presidential Library as part of the cultural program of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum hosted a charity concert “Music of Love. Dedication to St. Petersburg”.
произведения Прокофьева, Римского-Корсакова, Хачатуряна, Верди, Пуччини, Шопена, Сен-Санса, де Фалья
Internet resources: Manuscripts by prominent composers available on Internet
21 December 2010
The Morgan Library & Museum announced that on December 20, 2010, it will make digital versions of more than forty celebrated music manuscripts from its extraordinary permanent collection available on its Web site for the first time.
Бетховена для скрипки и пианино, полонез Шопена, симфония № 91 Гайдна, симфония № 5 Малера, произведения
IT and culture: Royal College of Music launches new database of musical instruments
29 January 2018
The Royal College of Music has launched a brand new database of musical instruments. MINIM-UK brings together over 20,000 instruments from more than 200 UK collections, making them digitally available to the public for the first time.
, и известным композиторам, таким как Эдвард Элгар и Фредерик Шопен.
MINIM-UK является крупнейшим
To the 400th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty: Exhibition “Taking care of the Bliss…” in Tambov
12 February 2013
February 8, 2013 in Tambov Regional Local History Museum was taken place the solemn opening of the exhibition “Taking care of the Bliss...” dedicated to the historic date - the 400th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty.
-Петербургской мастерской Феликса Шопена, отлитых в 1867 году, различных предметов той или иной исторической
History and Culture: The Russian State Library presents “Portrait Gallery in Printed Music of the 17th — 19th cc” exhibition
24 February 2019
“Portrait Gallery in Printed Music of the 17th – 19th cc” exhibition kicked off in the Concert Hall of the Russian State Library Printed Music and Sound Recordings Department (Moscow). The exhibition showcases around 50 portraits of two categories: composers and musicians, as well as people, whom these works were dedicated to – members of the royal dynasty, generals, inventors, the clergy and public figures. The exhibition will be open until April 4.
, Андреаса Ромберга, Гаспаре Спонтини, Муцио Клементи, Николо Паганини, Фредерика Шопена, Генриха Эрнста
An audience of the Presidential Library Cinema Club gave a look in “A skylight to Paris” by Lev Sidorovsky
14 December 2017
The Presidential Library Cinema Club has met this time to watch and to discuss a movie entitled “A skylight to Paris” by a journalist Lev Sidorovsky, who is laureate of international and all-Union competitions, Honored Worker of Culture of Russia Lev Sidorovsky, whose name is assigned to the small planet of the Solar System.
Фредерика Шопена» – и точно, флигель с памятной табличкой оказывается поблизости. Люксембургский дворец
Revolutionary music will sound in the Presidential Library
29 November 2017
On November 29, 2017, at 3 pm MSK the “Saint Isaac’s Square” First Public Festival will open in the Presidential Library with a concert of the students of the Choir School named after M. I. Glinka. The guests of the event will be veterans of the Northern capital.
, Ф. Шопена, Дж. Верди, М. Глинки, М. Мусоргского, А. Бородина и других композиторов.
Anniversary of the grand opening of the Monument to Catherine II in St. Petersburg
6 December 1873
November 24 (December 6), 1873 on Alexandrinskaya Square (now Ostrovski Square) in St. Petersburg was inaugurated the monument to Empress Catherine II.
была отлита из бронзы на заводе Шопена и отправлена на Всемирную выставку в Лондон, где удостоилась медали
The Presidential Library marking the anniversary of the great writer Leo Tolstoy
9 September 2023
September 9 marks the 195th anniversary of the birth of the great Russian writer and thinker Leo Tolstoy. Not only in Russia, but throughout the world, a large number of studies are devoted to his work and philosophical views.
юноше. Он много думал, часами разучивал и играл произведения Баха, Моцарта, Шопена, перечитывал любимые
To the 190th anniversary of Leo Tolstoy: "At the age of sixteen I wore a medallion with a portrait of Rousseau instead of a cross on my neck"
9 September 2018
"To live honestly, we must break up, get confused, fight, make mistakes, start and throw, and always struggle and lose. And tranquility is spiritual meanness", - Tolstoy wrote to his beloved aunt, Countess A. A. Tolstoy (1828-1910), whose 190th birthday is celebrated on September 9, 2018.
он часами разучивал и играл произведения Баха, Моцарта, Шопена и тогда переставал существовать
"Who am I and how shall I live". Presidential Library marking the anniversary of Leo Tolstoy
9 September 2020
"A society man, an officer, a landowner, an amiable compositeur, a teacher, a writer! He had a background of enormous, varied experience of life, efforts of thought, intentions, many different feelings! It all may explain his truth and his mistakes", - writes the novelist and playwright Nikolai Timkovsky in the book "The Soul of Leo Tolstoy" (1913), which digital copy is available on the Presidential Library's portal. - "His experience is more enlightening thanks to Tolstoy's feature - to face...
, Шопена, перечитывал любимые книги. «Я прочёл, – рассказывал впоследствии Лев Толстой, – всего Руссо