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Society and Culture: An exhibition of illustrations by famous artists for the works of Sergei Mikhalkov is presented at the Russian State Library to the 105th anniversary of the writer's birth
6 April 2018
Until April 30 the exposition of the Museum of the book of RSL (Moscow) hosts a mini-exhibition "How would we live without books ... Sergey Mikhalkov in illustrations of famous artists", dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the writer's birth. Visitors of the exhibition will see books they have loved since childhood.
писателя. Посетители выставки увидят любимые с детства книги.
13 марта 2018 года исполнилось 105 лет... писателя. Посетители выставки увидят любимые с детства книги.
The Presidential Library’s collections present Christmas traditions
7 January 2019
“The Russian soul rests and rejoices on the church holiday, and it is good for those whom pious parents have taught to honor the holiday since childhood, to wait with joyful feeling and enjoy it with refreshing and elevating power”, - wrote the Holy Synod Ober Prosecutor in 1893 in the Feast of God edition.
с детства приучили чтить праздник, с радостным чувством ждать его и услаждаться его освежающею..., вспоминая семейный праздник своего детства, передаёт «Стихотворение в прозе А. Ф. Кони „Канун... родители с детства приучили чтить праздник, с радостным чувством ждать его и услаждаться его освежающею
Society and culture: Exhibition "Bilibin’s Fairytale Worlds" opened in Tomsk
30 April 2022
The exhibition "Bilibin’s Fairytale Worlds" has been opened in the Tomsk Regional Art Museum which features more than 70 original illustrations from the beginning of the 20th century.
с детства сказочные персонажи. В экспозиции также представлены эскизы театральных костюмов и современный... с детства сказочные персонажи. В экспозиции также представлены эскизы театральных костюмов и современный арт-объект, созданный при помощи 3D–печати.
The Presidential Library tells about bringing up of emperors
11 June 2024
On June 11th, 2024 an online webinar titled "Childhood and Upbringing of Russian Emperors" was held on the portal of the Presidential Library. The collection of materials at the Presidential Library depicts the childhood years of heirs to the Russian throne, including illustrative albums, ceremonial portraits, and photographs taken in their homes.
11 июня 2024 года на портале Президентской библиотеки транслировался онлайн-вебинар «Детство...11 июня 2024 года на портале Президентской библиотеки транслировался онлайн-вебинар «Детство
The 75th anniversary of the victory in the Battle of Stalingrad was marked at the Russian Cultural and Information Center in Sofia
2 February 2018
Those who 75 years ago fought at Stalingrad were recalled at the Russian cultural and information center in Sofia Russian and Bulgarian veterans, as well as those whose childhood was in terrible military years, heard the words of gratitude, watched the festive concert and the exhibition dedicated to the Battle of Stalingrad, as well as received gifts.
под Сталинградом.
Российские и болгарские ветераны, а также те, чье детство пришлось на грозные военные... под Сталинградом. Российские и болгарские ветераны, а также те, чье детство пришлось на грозные военные
Tomsk Regional Centre of the Presidential Library hosted an intellectual game, dedicated to A. S. Pushkin
21 July 2022
Specialists of the Tomsk Regional Centre of the Presidential Library and the Pushkin Tomsk Regional Universal Research Library hosted the intellectual game The Name Familiar since Childhood for the pupils of the Tomsk Correctional Facility №2. The event was dedicated to Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin’s works.
научной библиотеки им. А. С. Пушкина провели интеллектуальную игру «Имя, знакомое с детства... универсальной научной библиотеки им. А. С. Пушкина провели интеллектуальную игру «Имя, знакомое с детства
Marking the 75th Anniversary of the Great Victory: "Artists - Children of War" project launched in the Art Museum of Novgorod Land
29 February 2020
In 2020, marking the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, the Art Museum of Novgorod Land launched a series of exhibitions - "Artists - Children of War" as part of the "Breath of Time" exhibition project. Within a year, it will showcase works of leading Novgorod artists, who spent childhood in the war period.
года зрители могут познакомиться с творчеством ведущих новгородских художников, чьё детство пришлось... года зрители могут познакомиться с творчеством ведущих новгородских художников, чьё детство пришлось на военные годы.
Shortly before of the Teacher's Day the Presidential Library is featuring “A world through the child’s eyes” exhibition
25 September – 6 October 2017
“A world through the child’s eyes” multimedia exhibition of the artworks of children from Down Center will run in the Presidential Library from September 25 to October 6, 2017.
яркий, солнечный мир детства, который не смогла отнять болезнь. Практически все работы выполнены детьми... яркий, солнечный мир детства, который не смогла отнять болезнь. Практически все работы выполнены
Birth of Wilhelm Ludwig von Küchelbecker, Poet and Decembrist
21 June 1797
Wilhelm Ludwig von Küchelbecker was born on June 10 (21), 1797 in St. Petersburg, in the family of Saxon nobles.
из саксонских дворян.
Детство провёл в имении Авинорм в Эстляндии. В 1808 г. по рекомендации дальнего... из саксонских дворян. Детство провёл в имении Авинорм в Эстляндии. В 1808 г. по рекомендации
History and Culture: The exhibition “Children’s World. XIX Century” opened in Irkutsk
1 June 2022
Exhibition “Children’s World. XIX Century” has been opened in the Volkonsky House-Museum in Irkutsk. The new large-scale exhibition from the collection of the Irkutsk Decembrists Museum is designed to show the childhood world of the noble children in XIX century, including the children of Decembrists. Thematic sections of the exhibition tell about children’s everyday life, their leisure time, upbringing and education.
выставка из коллекции Иркутского музея декабристов призвана показать мир детства ребёнка дворянского... выставка из коллекции Иркутского музея декабристов призвана показать мир детства ребёнка дворянского
Presidential Library Tells How Vladimir Mayakosky Became a Poet
19 July 2024
"Give me new art!" Vladimir Mayakovsky cried in his famous poem, "Order No. 2 of the Army of Art." "I want to create socialist art," he wrote in his autobiography, "Myself." And so, he created this new socialist art himself. In fact, starting not with poetry but with painting, the talent of the artist began to emerge in Mayakovsky from an early age. On July 19, the anniversary of the birth of the poet, playwright, actor, and artist, Vladimir Mayakovsky (1893-1930) is celebrated.
талант художника стал проявляться у Маяковского с самого раннего детства. 19 июля отмечается очередная... талант художника стал проявляться у Маяковского с самого раннего детства. 19 июля отмечается
The Presidential Library marking the Nativity of Christ
7 January 2024
The Presidential Library’s portal features the history of the holiday in its collection New Year’s Day and Christmas in Russia.
верующей, – стало быть я забуду своё детство, свою жизнь и саму вечность…», – так о Рождестве писал... верующей, – стало быть я забуду своё детство, свою жизнь и саму вечность…», – так о Рождестве писал
Artists of “The world with the child’s eyes” exhibition will visit the Presidential Library
19 October 2017
On October 20, 2017, at 3 pm the artists of “The world with the child’s eyes” — kids from the St. Petersburg based “Down Center” Public Organization for the Disabled People will visit the exhibition of their own works in the Presidential Library.
, коллажи, аппликации. Представлен яркий, солнечный мир детства, который не смогла отнять болезнь..., коллажи, аппликации. Представлен яркий, солнечный мир детства, который не смогла отнять болезнь
The Russian Center of Science and Culture in Tashkent provides a tour of the Pyotr Tchaikovsky Museum-Estate
19 May 2020
The Russian Center of Science and Culture in Tashkent posted on its official website an online tour of the Pyotr Tchaikovsky Museum-Estate in Votkinsk (Udmurt Republic) in honor of the 180th birthday of the Great Russian composer. Everyone has a unique opportunity to remotely visit an old mansion, see memorial objects surrounding PyotrTchaikovsky in childhood, and learn the history of his family.
посетить старинный особняк, увидеть мемориальные предметы, окружавшие П. И. Чайковского в детстве... посетить старинный особняк, увидеть мемориальные предметы, окружавшие П. И. Чайковского в детстве, узнать историю его семьи.
Presidential Library marks 210th anniversary of Mikhail Lermontov's birth
15 October 2024
On October 15th, 2024, the 210th anniversary of the birth of Mikhail Lermontov, a great Russian poet, will be celebarted. His childhood was spent at the rich manor in Tarkhany, Penza Governorate. Lermontov lost his mother at an early age, and a few years later, his father. His maternal grandmother, Elizaveta Arsenyevna, took over his upbringing and education.
Лермонтова. Его детство прошло в богатой барской усадьбе Тарханы Пензенской губернии. Лермонтов рано... Юрьевича Лермонтова. Его детство прошло в богатой барской усадьбе Тарханы Пензенской губернии. Лермонтов
Birth of the great Russian writer and thinker, one of the world's greatest novelists, Leo Tolstoy
9 September 1828
Leo Tolstoy was born on August 28 (September 9), 1828 in the family estate Yasnaya Polyana (now the Leo Tolstoy museum-estate in the Shchekinsky district of Tula Region). On his father’s side he came from the Tolstoy family, and on his mother’s side from the family of the Volkonsky princes. He spent his childhood in the family estate, and after the death of his parents (his mother died in 1830, and his father in 1837), he and his three brothers and sister moved to Kazan, to live with their...
Толстых, а по материнской линии – из рода князей Волконских. Детство провёл в родовой усадьбе, а после... Кавказской войны (1817–1864) , работал над повестью «Детство», которая была опубликована в 1852 г... Толстых, а по материнской линии – из рода князей Волконских. Детство провёл в родовой усадьбе, а после