The Russian Red Cross Society during the war
The Russian Red Cross Society during the war
Red cross in the rear of the army in the Japanese campaign of 1904-1905. T. 1. Siberian region
Kaufman, Peter Mikhailovich (1857-1926). Red cross in the rear of the army in the Japanese campaign of 1904-1905. St. Petersburg: Main Directorate of the Russian Red Cross Society, 1909.
T. 1: Siberian District. 1909.
T. 1: Siberian District. 1909.
Военно-исторический Музей артиллерии, инженерных войск и войск связи МО РФ
Red cross in the rear of the army in the Japanese campaign of 1904-1905. T. 2. Zabaikalsky district
Kaufman, Peter Mikhailovich (1857-1926). Red cross in the rear of the army in the Japanese campaign of 1904-1905. St. Petersburg: Main Directorate of the Russian Red Cross Society, 1909.
T. 2: Zabaikalsky District. 1909.
T. 2: Zabaikalsky District. 1909.
Военно-исторический Музей артиллерии, инженерных войск и войск связи МО РФ
Red cross in the rear of the army in the Japanese campaign of 1904-1905. T. 2. Zabaikalsky district
Kaufman, Peter Mikhailovich (1857-1926). Red cross in the rear of the army in the Japanese campaign of 1904-1905. St. Petersburg: Main Directorate of the Russian Red Cross Society, 1909.
T. 2: Zabaikalsky District. 1909.
T. 2: Zabaikalsky District. 1909.
Военно-исторический Музей артиллерии, инженерных войск и войск связи МО РФ
A letter from Novosiltsov to Sophia Nikolaevna Vasilchikova from Kalisha in verse about her trip to the East, to the theater of the Russian-Japanese war, from the "Red Cross"
Vasilchikovs, princes.
A letter from Novosiltsov to Sofya Nikolaevna Vasilchikova from the city of Kalish in verse about her trip to the East, to the theater of the Russian-Japanese war, from the "Red Cross" society.
A letter from Novosiltsov to Sofya Nikolaevna Vasilchikova from the city of Kalish in verse about her trip to the East, to the theater of the Russian-Japanese war, from the "Red Cross" society.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)
On the involvement of the Russian Red Cross Society in "promoting the military sanitary service in the armies," based on the Geneva Convention
Council of Ministers (1905-1917).
On the involvement of the Russian Red Cross Society in "promoting military sanitary services in the armies," based on the Geneva Convention.
On the involvement of the Russian Red Cross Society in "promoting military sanitary services in the armies," based on the Geneva Convention.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)
Materials on the Red Cross Society for 1914-1917.
Chicherin Boris Nikolaevich, lawyer, philosopher, professor of Moscow University, zemstvo figure.
Materials on the Red Cross Society for 1914-1917
Materials on the Red Cross Society for 1914-1917
By mobilization. On sending lists of prisoners of war of Austrian and German subjects to the Central Information Bureau
Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Film On Mobilization. On sending lists of prisoners of war of Austrian and German subjects to the Central Information Bureau.
List of nurses of the Russian Society of the Red Cross, appointed to care for wounded and sick soldiers in the medical institutions of the Red Cross, the military department, public organizations and individuals
List of nurses of the Russian Society of the Red Cross, appointed to care for wounded and sick soldiers in the medical institutions of the Red Cross, the military department, public organizations and individuals. Petrograd: Gos. type., 1915.
Red Cross in War
Nasakin, Nikolay Vadimovich. Red Cross in the war. Petrograd: in the printing house "Anchor", 1917.
Representation of the Commissioner for the Main Directorate of the Russian Red Cross Society about the organization of the military-sanitary unit at the front
Representation of the Commissioner for the Main Directorate of the Russian Red Cross Society about the organization of the military-sanitary unit at the front.
Representation of the Commissioner for the Main Directorate of the Russian Red Cross Society about the organization of the military-sanitary unit at the front.