Kharkov Province
Kharkov Province
Донесения попечителя Харьковского учебного округа о прекращении занятий в учебных заведениях по случаю появления холеры и о возобновлении их после прекращения холерных заболеваний. Ведомости о числе заболевших, выздоровевших и умерших в городе Вильне
15 сентября 1830 г. - 30 августа 1831 г.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)
The case of the investigation of the complaint of the University of Kharkiv on Professor G. F. Brandeis in connection with the refusal of the latter to treat patients with cholera and offensive
Department of People's Enlightenment of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment.The case of the investigation of the complaint of the University of Kharkiv on Professor.
Federal State Institution "Russian State Historical Archive" (RGIA)
On the allocation of 300 thousand rubles for the costs of the fight against the cholera epidemic in the mining and metallurgical regions of South Russia."Report on Cholera Control Academician E. Rhine".St. Petersburg.1911
The Council of Ministers (1905-1917).On the allocation of 300 thousand rubles for the costs of combating the epidemic of cholera in the mining and metallurgical regions of South Russia;"Report on Cholera Control Academician E. Rhine".St. Petersburg.1911
Federal state institution "Russian State Historical Archives" (RSHA)
Reports of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers VN Korokovtseva Nicholas II on measures to combat cholera in the mining and metallurgical regions of South Russia
The Council of Ministers (1905-1917).Reports of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers VN Korokovtseva Nicholas II on measures to combat cholera in the mining and metallurgical regions of South Russia.
Federal state institution "Russian State Historical Archives" (RSHA)