- Udalykh, Nikifor Klimovich
DK N., Ensign of the 1st Infantry of Nevsky His Majesty the King of the Hellenes of the Regiment
Ulykh NK, Ensign of the 1st Infantry of Nevsky His Majesty the King of the Hellenes of the regiment. [Between 1915 and 1917]. - Udintsov, Filipp Nikolaevich
Front sketch, dedicated to the combat feat of the senior non-commissioned officer of the Life Guards 2nd Infantry Tsarskoye Selo Regiment FN Udintsov
Grabovsky, Ivan Mikhailovich (artist, 1878-1922). Front sketch, dedicated to the combat feat of the senior non-commissioned officer of the Life Guards 2nd Infantry Tsarskoye Selo Regiment FN Udintsov. [1916].