The German question
The German question
German at the head of urban enterprises for labor assistance in the mountains. Petrograd
Belavenets, Mitrofan Ivanovich. German at the head of urban enterprises for labor assistance in the mountains. Petrograd. Petrograd: the book warehouse "Clay Science", 1916.
Insurance and war
Belousov, Ivan Matveyevich.Insurance and war.Perm: type-lithogr.Lips.Relled, 1914.
What is the fight against German domination?
Bogdanovsky, Alexander Evstafievich (1866-). What is the struggle against German zasiliem. Petrograd: the journal. "Industrial Russia", 1917.
Report of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers IL Goremykin to Nikolai II on the land tenure and land use of subjects of the countries fighting with Russia
Report of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers IL Goremykin to Nikolai II on the land tenure and land use of subjects of the countries fighting with Russia. Petrograd, 1916.
Instructions on the application of the law on February 2 and December 13, 1915
Russia. Laws and regulations. Instructions on the application of the law on February 2 and December 13, 1915. [Kherson: printing house of Provincial Government, 1916?].
Balts and war
Korostelev, Alexander Ivanovich. Balts and war. Petrograd: printing house of AS Suvorin - "New time", 1914.
The German Question and the Central Periodical Press of Russia
Morozova, Natalia Vladimirovna (candidate of historical sciences). The German question and the central periodical press of Russia. Volgograd, 2010.
Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах
On the prohibition of teaching in German in educational institutions of the Baltic region
Russia. Council of Ministers. On the prohibition of teaching in German in educational institutions of the Baltic region. 1916.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"
On the need to replace the Danes, employees at the Petrograd station of the Danish cable, by persons of Russian origin in connection with the possibility for the Danes to establish a telegraph connection between Petrograd and Berlin. 8 July - 20 August
Russia. Council of Ministers. On the need to replace the Danes, employees at the Petrograd station of the Danish cable, by persons of Russian origin in connection with the possibility for the Danes to establish a telegraph connection between Petrograd and Berlin. 8 July - 20 August. 1916.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"
On the suspension of the publication in Russia of the time-based press in German
Russia. Council of Ministers. On the suspension of the publication in Russia of the time-based press in German. 1916.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"
В книге раскрывается негативная роль страховых организаций, принадлежащих немецкому капиталу.