Army of Russia
Army of Russia
The Imperial Army during the years of imperialist war
Akhun, MI Tsarskaya army in the years of the imperialist war. M.: Izd-vo All-Union. the islands of political prisoners and settlers, 1929.
Talks about military upbringing
Batsov, Vladimir Ivanovich (1865-). Conversations about military education. Petrograd: Voen. a type. imp. Catherine the Great, 1915.
Белгородская ГУНБ
Front life of servicemen of the Russian army during the First World War
Valyaev, Yaroslav Vladimirovich. Front life of servicemen of the Russian army during the First World War. Belgorod, 2012.
Preparation of Russia for the imperialist war
Zayonchkovsky, Andrei Medardovich (1862-1926).
Preparation of Russia for the imperialist war.
Moscow: State Military Publishing House, 1926.
Moscow: State Military Publishing House, 1926.
Amendments and additions to the articles of the regulations on the field command of troops in wartime from July 20, 1914 to March 1, 1916.
Documentary materials from the period of the First World War and the interim government (Collection of documents received from the USSR Academy of Sciences).
Changes and additions to the provisions of the regulations on the field command of troops in wartime from July 20, 1914 to March 1, 1916.
Changes and additions to the provisions of the regulations on the field command of troops in wartime from July 20, 1914 to March 1, 1916.
Brief information on pensions, rations and money allowances of the lower ranks and their families
Brief information on the issues of pensions, rations and money allowance of the lower ranks and their families. Petrograd: printing house "Saving", 1916.
Russian army in the First World War. Historical and Anthropological Aspect
Kultyshev, Pavel Gennadievich
Russian army in the First World War. Historical and anthropological aspect.
Rostov-on-Don, 2010.
Rostov-on-Don, 2010.
On the implementation of the provisions on the war-preparatory period
Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
On the implementation of the provisions on the war preparatory period.
On the implementation of the provisions on the war preparatory period.
On the implementation of the provisions on the war-preparatory period
Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
On the implementation of the provisions on the war preparatory period.
On the implementation of the provisions on the war preparatory period.
- Call to active duty and military service
The main acts and orders of the government on military service for the war years
Levin, Moses Meerovich. The main acts and orders of the government on military service for the years of war. Ekaterinoslav: type. and per. I.E. Kogan, 1916.On the issue of a foreign passport to Franz Bialostocky, who evaded military service
Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
On the issuance of a foreign passport to Franz Belostotsky, who evaded military service.On the involvement of certain parts of the population of the liberated from it to the present time
Russia. Military Ministry. On the attraction to the serving of military service of some parts of the population released from it to the present time. St. Petersburg: [б. and.], 1915.On permission to peasant Jan Apsit, who evaded military service to return to his homeland
Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
About the permission to the peasant Jan Apsit, evading military service to return to his homeland.The announcement of the introduction of martial law and the call of the lower ranks of the reserve
Documentary materials from the period of the First World War and the interim government (Collection of documents received from the USSR Academy of Sciences).
Announcement of the introduction of martial law and the call of the lower ranks of the reserve.By mobilizing
Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Film On Mobilization.On mobilization On the issue of white tickets for travel by rail.
Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
On mobilization On the issue of white tickets for travel by rail.By mobilization. On the issue of free tickets for travel by rail
Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Film On Mobilization. On the issue of free tickets for travel by rail.By mobilization. On different issues
Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Film On Mobilization. On different issues.On the petition of Edmund Genke who had fled from military service to allow him to return to Russia
Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
At the petition of Edmund Genke, who had fled from military service, to allow him to return to Russia.At the petition of the Jewess Rivka Strozberg to allow her son Gimpel, who fled from military service, to return with impunity to Russia
Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
At the petition of Jewess Rivka Strozberg to allow her son Gimpel, who fled from military service, to return to Russia with impunity.At the petition of student Peter Matera, who evaded conscription, go back to Russia with impunity
Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
At the request of student Peter Matera, who evaded conscription, go back to Russia with impunity.Provisions on the procedure for the production of requisitions during the war and during the mobilization period, the issuance of mobilization documents, the storage of draft summons and the initial actions to declare mobilization
Documentary materials from the period of the First World War and the interim government (Collection of documents received from the USSR Academy of Sciences).
Regulations on the procedure for the production of requisitions during the war and during the mobilization period, the issuance of mobilization documents, the storage of draft summons and the initial actions to announce mobilization.Circular of the Office of Military Service for the mobilization plan
Documentary materials from the period of the First World War and the interim government (Collection of documents received from the USSR Academy of Sciences).
Circular of the Office of Military Counsel for the mobilization plan. - Artillery arm
Preparing Russia for a World War in the Artillery Regime
Barsukov, Ye.Z.Podgotovka Russia for World War II in the artillery relation. Moscow: State Military Publishing House, 1926; Leningrad.Russian artillery in the world war. T. 1
Barsukov, Yevgeny Zakharovich. Russian artillery in the world war. Moscow: State Military Publishing House of the People's Commissariat of Defense of the USSR, 1938 - 1940.
T. 1. 1938.Russian artillery in the world war. T. 2
Barsukov, Yevgeny Zakharovich. Russian artillery in the world war. Moscow: State Military Publishing House of the People's Commissariat of Defense of the USSR, 1938 - 1940.
T. 2. 1940.Fighting the air enemy
Ivanov, BN Borba with an air enemy. M.: Gos. Publishing House. military. lit., 1930; L. - Cavalry
The Terek Cossack units on the fronts of the First World War
Kireev, Felix Sergeevich. The Terek Cossack units on the fronts of the First World War. Vladikavkaz, 2015.Leib dragoons at home and in war. Issue. 3. August 1, 1930
Leib dragoons at home and in war. Paris: Imprimerie "Pascal", 1928-1931.
Вып. 3: August 1, 1930, 1930.Leib dragoons at home and in war. Issue. 4. August 1, 1931
Leib dragoons at home and in war. Paris: Imprimerie "Pascal", 1928-1931.
Вып. 4: August 1, 1931, 1931.Cavalry of the 1st Army in East Prussia
Rogvold, V. Konnitsa 1st Army in East Prussia. [Leningrad: Military printing house GURKKA, 1926; Moscow]. - Air force
Aviation in World War II
Aviation in World War II. Leningrad: Acad. publishing house, 1924.Air fleet in World War II
Veigelin, K.E.Vozdushny fleet in World War II. Leningrad: [Voen. Herald], 1924. - Naval forces
Fleet. Library of Illustrated Russia. T. 2
Lukin, Alexander Petrovich (1883-1946). Fleet. Paris: the publication of the magazine "Illustrated Russia", 1934.
T. 2. 1934.On the release of funds for the acquisition of auxiliary vessels for the Baltic Sea in order to strengthen the fight against the Austro-Germanic and Turkish submarines. 10 October - 3 November
Russia. Council of Ministers. On the release of funds for the acquisition of auxiliary vessels for the Baltic Sea in order to strengthen the fight against the Austro-Germanic and Turkish submarines. October 10 - November 3. 1916.Russian Imperial Fleet. Military fleets. 1915. The Russian Imperial Fleet and Fleets of Germany and Turkey
Russian Imperial Fleet. S.-Petersburg: printing house A. Benke, 1913-.
1915: Russian Imperial Fleet and Fleets of Germany and Turkey. Petrograd: the publication of T. ID Sytin, [1915]. - Furnishing an army with ammunition and supply
Supplying the army and population with meat. 1914-1918
Breslavets, Vladimir Nikolayevich (1881-). Supplying the army and population with meat. 1914-1918. Moscow: Commodity Department of the Moscow People's Bank, 1918.List of artillery supplies to be ordered abroad .... ... in need of July 1, 1917
Russia (1917, February-October). The main artillery department. List of artillery supplies to be ordered abroad ... [St. Petersburg: b. and.], 1917.
... to the need for July 1, 1917. January 8, 1917.List of artillery supplies to be ordered abroad .... ... in need on January 1, 1918
Russia (1917, February-October). The main artillery department. List of artillery supplies to be ordered abroad ... [St. Petersburg: b. and.], 1917.
... to the need for January 1, 1918. January 14, 1917.List of artillery supplies to be ordered abroad .... ... in need on January 1, 1918
Russia (1917, February-October). The main artillery department. List of artillery supplies to be ordered abroad ... [St. Petersburg: b. and.], 1917.
... to the need for January 1, 1918. January 14, 1917.Appeal from the Army Supply Committee of the Western Front armies to officers, officials, mediocre military officers and soldiers of the directorates of the Chief of the Supply Division of the Western Front Armies
Documentary materials from the period of the First World War and the interim government (Collection of documents received from the USSR Academy of Sciences).
Appeal from the Army Supply Committee of the Western Front armies to officers, officers, mediocre military officers and soldiers of the directorates of the Chief of the Supply Division of the Western Front Armies.Supply of the Russian army in the Great War with rifles, machine guns, revolvers and cartridges to them
Zalyubovsky, Anatoly Petrovich (lieutenant-general of artillery, 1859-1936). Supplying the Russian army in a great war with rifles, machine guns, revolvers and cartridges to them. Belgrade: Publication of the Central Board of the Society of Russian Officers-Artillerists Abroad, 1936.Zemgor. A year and a half of the work of the Main Army Supply Committee of the All-Russian Zemsky and Urban Unions
All-Russian Zemstvo Union. Chief for Supplying the Army Committee Zemgor. A year and a half of the work of the Main Army Supply Committee of the All-Russian Zemsky and Urban Unions.
Moscow: Skoreprintnaia A. A. Levenson, 1917.Butter
Kolomiytsov, Nikolai Pavlovich (1857-). Butter. Moscow: Publication of the Moscow Regional Military-Industrial Committee, Food Department, 1916.A brief account of the main items of artillery supply submitted to the active army from the outbreak of the war to January 1, 1916
Russia. The main artillery department. A brief account of the main items of artillery supply submitted to the active army from the outbreak of the war to January 1, 1916. [B. g.: b. and.], 1916.Battle supply of the Russian army in the war of 1914-1918. Part 2
Manikovsky, Alexey Alekseevich (1865 - 1920). The combat supply of the Russian army to the war of 1914-1918. Moscow, 1920 - 1923.
Part 2. 1922.The combat supply of the Russian army to the war of 1914-1918. Part 3
Manikovsky, Alexey Alekseevich (1865 - 1920). The combat supply of the Russian army to the war of 1914-1918. Moscow, 1920 - 1923. 3. Part 3. 1923.Battle supply of the Russian army to the world war. T. 1
Manikovsky, Alexey Alekseevich (1865 - 1920). Battle supply of the Russian army to the world war. Moscow: State Publishing House. Department of Military Literature, 1930; Leningrad.
T. 1. 1930.Battle Supply of the Russian Army to the World War
Manikovsky, Alexey Alekseevich (1860-1920). Battle supply of the Russian army to the world war. Moscow: State Military Publishing House of the People's Commissariat of Defense of the USSR, 1937.Explanatory note to the program for supplying the army with the main items of artillery allowance for the period until July 1, 1918
Russia (1917, February-October). The main artillery department. Explanatory note to the program for supplying the army with the main items of artillery allowance for the period until July 1, 1918 [B. g.: b. and.], January 14, 1917.An outline of activity .... July 10, 1915 - February 1, 1916
All-Russian Zemstvo Union. Chief on supplying the army committee. Essay of activity ... Moscow: [typo-lithography Torg. house. "I. Efimov, N. Zheludkov and K"], 1916. On July 10, 1915 - February 1, 1916, 1916.The program for supplying the army with the main items of artillery allowance for the period until July 1, 1918
Russia (1917, February-October). The main artillery department. The program of supplying the army with the main items of artillery allowance for the period until July 1, 1918 [B. m.: b. and.], January 14, 1917.The program of supplying the army with the main items of artillery allowance for the period until January 1, 1918
Russia (1917, February-October). The main artillery department. The program for supplying the army with the main items of artillery allowance for the period until January 1, 1918, January 14, 1917.Protocol of the general meeting of delegates from the soldiers of the headquarters of supply
Documentary materials from the period of the First World War and the interim government (Collection of documents received from the USSR Academy of Sciences).
Minutes of the general meeting of delegates from the soldiers of the headquarters of the supply.Transport and Supply in Modern Warfare
Rageno, Philip. Transport and supply in modern warfare. Moscow: State Military Publishing House, 1926; Leningrad.[Materials, reports and journals]. Issue. 4. Meetings on December 1, 4 and 5, 1915.
Russia. A special meeting to discuss and integrate events on the food business. [Materials, reports and journals]. Petrograd, 1916.
Issue. 4: Sittings on December 1, 4 and 5, 1915, 1916.[Materials, reports and journals]. Issue. 6. Meetings of the Special Meeting on January 25, 3, 6 and 8 February 1916 and the Commission on Measures to Combat Expensiveness on January 25, 1916.
Russia. A special meeting to discuss and integrate events on the food business. [Materials, reports and journals]. Petrograd, 1916.
Issue. 6: Meetings of the Special Meeting on 25 January, 3, 6 and 8 February 1916, and the Commission on Measures to Combat Expensiveness on January 25, 1916, 1916.List of authorized representatives of the Chairman of the Special Meeting on Food and authorized representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture for procurement for the army
Russia. A special meeting to discuss and integrate events on the food business. List of authorized representatives of the chairman of the Special Meeting on Food and authorized representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture for procurement for the army. Petrograd: Catherine's Printing House, 1915.Statistics on the status of orders executed by the Chief for Supply. Army Committee on the Division of Orders
All-Russian Zemstvo Union. Chief on supplying the army committee. Statistics on the status of orders executed by the Chief for Supply. Army Committee on the Division of Orders. Moscow: the printing house of n-dogs MG Gramakova, 1916.