Cipher telegram of the Plenipotentiary of the USSR in Great Britain I.M. Maisky to the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs of the USSR on the consideration in the British parliament the question of the martial law of the allies after the surrender of Belgium
May 28, 1940
Foreign Policy Archive of the Russian Federation
Residents of Brussels after the announcement of the surrender of the Belgian army: photograph
May 28,
Russian State
Military Archives
The road of retreat of the Anglo-French troops near Dunkirk: photo
[May 1940]
Russian State Archives of Film and Photo Documents
Cipher telegram of the USSR People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs V.M.Molotov to the commander of the Baltic Military District A.D. Loktionov on the need to investigate the circumstances of the disappearance of the Red Army soldiers Shmavgonets and Pisarev in Lithuania in order to bring charges
May 28, 1940
Archives of Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation
Cipher telegram of the plenipotentiary representative of the USSR in Latvia V. K. Derevyansky to the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs of the USSR with a list of issues for possible discussion during the visit to Moscow of the Minister of War of Latvia K. Berkis
May 28, 1940
Archives of Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation
Resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks "Questions of KO" (on the production of I-26 and DB-240 aircraft, on the creation of 102 and 103 bombers, on the transfer of SB aircraft to dive bombers and on the additional construction of fuel tanks on the territory of the Transcaucasian Military District ) (pr. No. 17/17-op for May 29 - June 23, 1940, p. 28)
May 29, 1940
Russian State Archive of Social and Political History
Resolution of the Defense Committee of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR "On the provision of NKO (People's Commissariat of Defense) with air barriers for air defense and observation balloons for the artillery of the Red Army" with attachments
May 29, 1940
State Archives of the Russian Federation