Letter from the head of the Kuomintang Chiang Kai-shek to J.V. Stalin with gratitude for his support in the fight against Japanese aggression and on Soviet-Chinese cooperation to restore peace in the Far East
December 1, 1939
Russian State Archives of Social and Political History
Memorandum of the plenipotentiary representative of the USSR in Finland V. K. Derevyansky to the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR V. M. Molotov on measures to ensure the safety of Soviet citizens in Finland
December 1, 1939
Foreign Policy Archive of the Russian Federation
Draft Declaration of the People's Government of Finland
December 1, 1939
Foreign Policy Archive of the Russian Federation
Finnish army weapons captured by Soviet frontiersmen in the first battles: photograph
December 1,
Russian State
Military Archives
Red Army soldiers patrol on the outskirts of Terijoki: photograph
December 1,
Russian State
Military Archives
The draft of the revolutionary appeal of the People's Government of Finland to the working people
December 2, 1939
Foreign Policy Archive of the Russian Federation
Draft treaty of mutual assistance and friendship between the Soviet Union and the Finnish Democratic Republic
December 2, 1939
Foreign Policy Archive of the Russian Federation
Summary of the Political Directorate of the Red Army on the political and moral state and the work of the political bodies of the operating units of the LPO
December 2, 1939
Russian state military archive
Summary of the Political Directorate of the Red Army on the state of the 65th Special Rifle Corps stationed in Estonia
December 2, 1939
Russian state military archive