


From the diary of the People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs V.M.Molotova - a recording of a conversation with the Mexican Ambassador to the USSR L. Kintaniya in connection with the upcoming presentation of credentials.Script.August 3, 1943
3 августа 1943 г.
Архив внешней политики Российской Федерации

Special communion of the 4th Directorate of the NGKB of the USSR to the Deputy People's Commissar of the State Security of the USSR B. Z. Kobulov on mass extermination by Ukrainian national Bandera of the Polish population in Vladimir-Volynsky

F. 4.Special communion of the 4th Directorate of the NGKB of the USSR to the Deputy People's Commissar of State Security of the USSR B. Z. Kobulov on mass extermination by the Ukrainian nationalist Bandera of the Polish population in the city of Vladimir-Volynsky.
4 августа 1943 г.
Центральный архив Федеральной службы безопасности России

Приказ Верховного Главнокомандующего И. В. Сталина генерал-полковнику М. М. Попову, генерал-полковнику В. Д. Соколовскому, генералу армии К. К. Рокоссовскому, генералу армии Н. Ф. Ватутину, генерал-полковнику И. С. Коневу о взятии городов Орел и Белгород

Order of the Supreme Commander -in -Chief I.V.Stalin General Colonel M.M.Popov, Colonel General V.D.Sokolovsky, Army General K.K.Rokossovsky, Army General N.F.Vatutin, Colonel General I.S.Konev about the capture of the cities of Orel and Belgorod.[August 5, 1943] reads Yu.B.Levitan.Recording date 1968
[5 августа 1943 г.]
Российский государственный архив фонодокументов

Message of the chief of the Central Headquarters of the partisan movement P.K. Ponomarenko to the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR L.P. Beria on the placement of poisonous substances in the cellars of the city of Orel

F. 3.Message of the chief of the Central Headquarters of the partisan movement P.K. Ponomarenko to the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR L.P. Beria on the placement of poisonous substances in the basements of the buildings of the city of Orel.
5 августа 1943 г.
Центральный архив Федеральной службы безопасности России

A.V.Alexandrov.Anthem of the Soviet Union.To the words of S.V.Mikhalkova and G.A.El Registan (Ureklyana).Xi Major 4/4 solemn, for a four -headed choir, accompanied by piano;To the words of A.N.Aleksandrova Xi Major 4/4, solemn, for a six -headed choir, accompanied by piano.August 1943

A.V.Alexandrov.Anthem of the Soviet Union.To the words of S.V.Mikhalkova and G.A.El Registan (Ureklyana).Xi Major 4/4 solemn, for a four -headed choir, accompanied by piano;To the words of A.N.Aleksandrova Xi Major 4/4, solemn, for a six -headed choir, accompanied by piano.August 19431943.
Август 1943 г.
Российский государственный архив литературы и искусства

The report of the referent of Bergman Reichsmarshal G. Goering on the situation on Volyn and the events of the occupation authorities to combat partisans.The original and translation from German ulcers., Modern original.August 6, 1943

The report of the referent of Bergman Reichsmarshal G. Goering on the situation on Volyn and the events of the occupation authorities to combat partisans.The original and translation from German ulcers., Modern original.August 6, 19431943.
6 августа 1943 г.
Российский государственный военный архив

A report note by the Deputy People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the USSR S.A.Lozovsky People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the USSR V.M.Molotov regarding the conditions of the surrender of Italy, proposed by the British side in a commemorative note of July 30.Script.The seal V.M.Molotov with a graphite pencil: "I read.To acquaint Comrade Vyshinsky.[Signature].9/VIII ".August 6, 1943

A report note by the Deputy People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the USSR S.A.Lozovsky People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the USSR V.M.Molotov regarding the conditions of the surrender of Italy, proposed by the British side in a commemorative note of July 30.Script.The seal V.M.Molotov with a graphite pencil: "I read.To acquaint Comrade Vyshinsky.[Signature].9/VIII ".August 6, 19431943.
6 августа 1943 г.
Архив внешней политики Российской Федерации

The operational summary of the chief of the Central Headquarters of the Partisan Movement P.K. Ponomarenko The People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR L.P. Beria on the activities of partisan detachments for the period from July 30 to August 5, 1943

F. 3.The operational summary of the chief of the Central Headquarters of the Partisan Movement P.K. Ponomarenko The People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR L.P. Beria on the activities of partisan detachments for the period from July 30 to August 5, 1943
7 августа 1943 г.
Центральный архив Федеральной службы безопасности России
