

Directive of the NKVD of the USSR with the direction of review of operational-service and combat activities of the fighter battalions of the NKVD of the USSR for 1942 to study the experience of the service and military operations of the battalions

F. 66.Directive of the NKVD of the USSR with the direction of review of operational-service and combat activities of the fighter battalions of the NKVD of the USSR for 1942 to study the experience of the service and military operations of battalions.
May 6, 1943
Central Archive of the Federal Security Service of Russia

Help of the chief of the Central Headquarters of the Partisan Movement P.K. Ponomarenko to the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR L.P. Beria on the number of personnel of partisan detachments and groups as of May 1, 1943

F. 3.Help of the chief of the Central Headquarters of the Partisan Movement P.K. Ponomarenko to the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR L.P. Beria on the number of personnel of partisan detachments and groups as of May 1, 1943
May 6, 1943
Central Archive of the Federal Security Service of Russia

Ciphers of the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic I. S. Seyfulaev and the People's Commissar of Trade of the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic A. Shvetsov to the People's Commissar of Trade of the USSR A.V. Lyubimov about the allocation of products for partisan detachments of Crimea

F. 17.The encryption of the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic I. S. S. Seyfulaev and the People's Commissar of the Trade of the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic A. Shvetsov to the People’s Commissar of Trade of the USSR A.V. Lyubimov about the allocation of products for partisan detachments of Crimea.
May 6, 1943
Russian State Archive of Social and Political History

A report note of the Military Council of Armored and Mechanized Troops of the Red Army, Deputy Chairman of the USSR State University V. M. Molotov on the necessary measures to improve the combat and operational qualities of T-34 and KV tanks

F. 8752.A memo of the Military Council of Armored and Mechanized Troops of the Red Army Deputy Chairman of the USSR State Unitary Enterprise V. M. Molotov on the necessary measures to improve the combat and operational qualities of the T-34 and KV tanks.
May 7, 1943
Russian State Archive of Economics

Message of the 4th Directorate of the NKGB of the USSR to the People's Commissar of State Security of the USSR V. N. Merkulov on the destruction of the Ukrainian SSR of the Intelligence Group of the Magyar punitive detachment in the Zhytomyr region

F. 4.Message of the 4th Directorate of the NKGB of the USSR to the People's Commissar of State Security of the USSR V. N. Merkulov on the destruction of the Ukrainian SSR of the Intelligence Group of the Magyar punitive detachment in the Zhytomyr region.
May 7, 1943
Central Archive of the Federal Security Service of Russia

Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR "On priority measures to restore the economy of the Stavropol Territory, destroyed by the German invaders" , with the application.Script.May 7, 1943

Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR "On priority measures to restore the economy of the Stavropol Territory, destroyed by the German invaders" , with the application.Script.May 7, 19431943.
7 мая 1943 г.
Государственный архив Российской Федерации

Order No. 233ss/260ss the People's Commissariat of Armaments of the USSR and the People's Commissar of the USSR tank industry on the joint development of the Central Artillery Design Bureau under the leadership of V. G. Grabin, the plant No. 9 of the People's Commissariat of Arms of the USSR and the Kirovsky Plant of the People's Commissariat of the Tank Industry of the USSR 85-mm guns for tanks and self-propelled guns

F. 8752.Order No. 233ss/260ss the People's Commissariat of Armaments of the USSR and the People's Commissar of the USSR tank industry on the joint development of the Central Artillery Design Bureau under the leadership of V. G. Grabin, the plant No. 9 of the People's Commissariat of Arms of the USSR and the Kirovsky Plant of the People's Commissariat of the Tank Industry of the USSR 85-mm guns for tanks and self-propelled guns.
May 8, 1943
Russian State Archive of Economics

Appeal of the chairman of the Leningrad city executive committee P.S.Popkov to the population of Leningrad on the disclosure of information about the damage to the city.Copy.May 8, 1943

Appeal of the chairman of the Leningrad city executive committee P.S.Popkov to the population of Leningrad on the disclosure of information about the damage to the city.Copy.May 8, 19431943.
8 мая 1943 г.
Российский государственный архив социально-политической истории

Appeal of the chairman of the Leningrad city executive committee P.S.Popkov to the inhabitants of Leningrad on the ban on the disclosure of information about the places of hit by artillery shells and air bombs of the enemy.Script.May 8, 1943

Appeal of the chairman of the Leningrad city executive committee P.S.Popkov to the inhabitants of Leningrad on the ban on the disclosure of information about the places of hit by artillery shells and air bombs of the enemy.Script.May 8, 19431943.
8 мая 1943 г.
Российский государственный архив социально-политической истории

Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR "On the confession of the title of Hero of Socialist Labor, the chief surgeon of the Red Army, academician, lieutenant general of the medical service, Comrade Burdenko Nikolai Nilovich" .Script.May 8, 1943

Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR "On the confession of the title of Hero of Socialist Labor, the chief surgeon of the Red Army, academician, lieutenant general of the medical service, Comrade Burdenko Nikolai Nilovich" .Script.May 8, 19431943.
8 мая 1943 г.
Государственный архив Российской Федерации
