Note in answer from the Italian Embassy in Moscow to the note of the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs of the USSR on the entry of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia into the Soviet Union
August 14, 1940
Foreign Policy Archive of the Russian Federation
The draft resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR "On the organization of the Mixed Soviet-Romanian Commission for drawing up a description of the state border between the USSR and Romania", approved by the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b)
August 14, 1940
Russian State Archives of Social and Political History
Resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) "On negotiations with Germany on railway communication"
August 14, 1940
Russian State Archives of Social and Political History
Resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks "On Changes in the Organizational Structure of the Directorates of the Border Troops of the NKVD" (pr. No. 19/19-op for July 22 - August 24, 1940, p. 218)
August 14, 1940
Russian State Archive of Social and Political History
Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) "On the Reorganization of Armies in the Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian SSR"
August 14, 1940
State Archives of the Russian Federation
Cipher telegram of the USSR People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs V.M. Molotov to the USSR Plenipotentiary in Romania A.I.
August 14, 1940
Archives of Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation
Cipher telegram of the plenipotentiary of the USSR in Estonia V. B. Bochkarev to the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs of the USSR on the implementation of the order regarding the transfer of archives and property of Estonian diplomatic missions abroad to the Soviet side
August 15, 1940
Archives of Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation
From the diary of the plenipotentiary representative of the USSR in Great Britain I.M.Maysky - a record of the conversation with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Great Britain E. Halifax on August 15, 1940
[15 August 1940]
Archives of Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation
Resolution of the Defense Committee of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR "On the work of equipment factories of the People's Commissariat of Munitions for 6 months 1940"
August 15, 1940
State Archives of the Russian Federation
Resolution of the Defense Committee of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR "On the completion of work on blackout and the device of centralized notification of citizens of Moscow in an air attack" with an attachment
August 15, 1940
State Archives of the Russian Federation