Директивы штаба Южного фронта командирам 47-й танковой дивизии и 130-й стрелковой дивизии о выделении мотострелкового полка для усиления 130-й стрелковой дивизии
7 июля 1941 г.
Центральный архив Министерства обороны Российской Федерации
Директива № 0018/оп штаба Южного фронта о ликвидации Бельцинской группировки противника
7 июля 1941 г.
Центральный архив Министерства обороны Российской Федерации
Combat Order No. 0024 of the headquarters of the 9th Army of the Southern Front on the defense of the river.Dniester.Script.July 7, 1941
Combat Order No. 0024 of the headquarters of the 9th Army of the Southern Front on the defense of the river.Dniester.Script.July 7, 19411941.
7 июля 1941 г.
Центральный архив Министерства обороны Российской Федерации
Private combat order No. 020 of the headquarters of the 27th Army of the North-Western Front to prepare for counter-access.Certified copy.July 7, 1941
Private combat order No. 020 of the headquarters of the 27th Army of the North-Western Front to prepare for counter-access.Certified copy.July 7, 19411941.
7 июля 1941 г.
Центральный архив Министерства обороны Российской Федерации
Report No. 07/OP of the Control of the 65th Infantry Corps to the Military Council of the North-Western Front on the Regulations of Management in the first 14 days of the war.Script.July 7, 1941
Report No. 07/OP of the Control of the 65th Infantry Corps to the Military Council of the North-Western Front on the Regulations of Management in the first 14 days of the war.Script.July 7, 19411941.
7 июля 1941 г.
Центральный архив Министерства обороны Российской Федерации
Journal of the 94th border detachment (Skole) of the Ukrainian SSR on June 24 - July 7, 1941
F. 32880.Journal of the 94th border detachment (Skole) of the Ukrainian SSR on June 24 - July 7, 1941
Russian State Military Archive
RGVA.F. 32880. Op.5. D. 279. L. 23-24
Agency message (encryption) from Tokyo about Japan's delaying the issue of attack on the USSR
Agency message (encryption) from Tokyo about Japan's delaying the issue of attacking the USSR.
July 7, 1941
Archive of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia
The appeal of the artists of the Leningrad City Party who entered the ranks of the Leningrad Army of the People’s Militia (Lano)
F. R-2281.The appeal of the artists of the Leningrad city pop, who entered the ranks of the Leningrad Army of the People’s Militia (Lano).
July 7, 1941
Central State Archive of Historical and Political Documents of St. Petersburg
Decree of the USSR GKO No. 46 of the SS on the organization of special construction and installation units as part of the People’s Commissariat for Construction
F. 644.Resolution of the USSR GKO No. 46 of the SS on the organization of special construction and installation units as part of the People’s Commissariat for Construction.
July 8, 1941
Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History
Resolution of the USSR GKO No. 47 SS on the creation of military cartographic factories in the cities of Sverdlovsk and Saratov, with the application of the note by Zhukov G. K. Molotov V.M.
F. 644.Resolution of the USSR GKO No. 47 SS on the creation of military cartographic factories in the cities of Sverdlovsk and Saratov, with the application of the note by Zhukov G. K. Molotov V.M.
July 8, 1941
Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History