

The encryption of the USSR Ambassador to the United States K. A. Umansky in the NKKU USSR about a conversation with the chief authorized by the President of the United States Gopkins on the military supply of "friendly countries" - Great Britain, China, the USSR

F. 059.The encryption of the USSR Ambassador to the United States K. A. Umansky in the NKKU USSR about a conversation with the chief authorized by the President of the United States Gopkins on the military supply of "friendly countries" - Great Britain, China, the USSR.
July 13, 1941
Archive of foreign policy of the Russian Federation

Order of the USSR GKO No. 136 of the SS on the production of Toluol, with the application of notes by M. T. Poskrebyshev A. N., Pervukhin M. G. Molotov V. M., Tevosyan I.F. Pervukhin M. G., Tevosyan I.F.. Molotov V.M., Voznesensky N. A.

F. 644.Order of the USSR GKO No. 136 of the SS on the production of Toluol, with the application of notes by M. T. Poskrebyshev A. N., Pervukhin M. G. Molotov V. M., Tevosyan I.F. Pervukhin M. G., Tevosyan I.F.. Molotov V.M., Voznesensky N. A.
July 14, 1941
Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History

Resolution of the USSR GKO No. 137 of the SS on approval of the loading plan on the railways of national economic, evacuation goods and the population at 2 decades, 1941, with the application of the note by M. T. Chernukhe V. N. N.

F. 644.Resolution of the USSR GKO No. 137 of the SS on approval of the loading plan on the railways of national economic, evacuation goods and the population at 2 decades, 1941, with the application of the note by M. T. Chernukhe V. N. N.
July 14, 1941
Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History
