

From the operational summary No. 189 of the General Staff of the Red Army by 8.00 (on the combat position of units of the Bryansk, South-West, Southern and North Caucasus fronts).Script.July 8, 1942

From the operational summary No. 189 of the General Staff of the Red Army by 8.00 (on the combat position of units of the Bryansk, South-West, Southern and North Caucasus fronts).Script.July 8, 19421942.
8 июля 1942 г.
Центральный архив Министерства обороны Российской Федерации

Special community of the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR L. P. Beria I.V. Stalin and V. M. Molotov on the content of the report received by the agent from London, the head of the United Intelligence Committee of the United States Donovan, who was made by him at a secret meeting of employees of the American embassy and correspondents of American newspapersin England

Special community of the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR L. P. Beria I.V. Stalin and V. M. Molotov on the content of the report received by the agent from London, the head of the United Intelligence Committee of the United States Donovan, who was made by him at a secret meeting of employees of the American embassy and correspondents of American newspapersin England.
July 8, 1942
Archive of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia

Resolution of the USSR GKO No. 2002 on the liberation of T.F. Korneev from the post of member of the Central Staff of the Partisan Movement and on the appointment of Ilyichev I. I., with the application of a note by Ponomarenko P.K. Malenkov.

F. 644.Resolution of the USSR GKO No. 2002 on the liberation of T.F. Korneev from the post of member of the Central Staff of the Partisan Movement and on the appointment of Ilyichev I. I., with the application of a note by Ponomarenko P.K. Malenkov.
July 9, 1942
Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History

Directive of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command No. 170488 commander of the 5th Panzer Army A.I.Lizyukov and the commander of the Bryansk Front N.E.Chibisov about the need to complete the task to enter the rear of the group of German units in the Voronezh area.Copy.July 9, 1942

Directive of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command No. 170488 commander of the 5th Panzer Army A.I.Lizyukov and the commander of the Bryansk Front N.E.Chibisov about the need to complete the task to enter the rear of the group of German units in the Voronezh area.Copy.July 9, 19421942.
9 июля 1942 г.
Центральный архив Министерства обороны Российской Федерации

Directive of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command No. 170489 to the commander of the Voronezh front F.I.Golikov and the representative of the VGK rate on the Voronezh Front N.F.Vatutin on the application of a decisive blow in the area between the rivers Don and Voronezh.Certified copy.July 9, 1942

Directive of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command No. 170489 to the commander of the Voronezh front F.I.Golikov and the representative of the VGK rate on the Voronezh Front N.F.Vatutin on the application of a decisive blow in the area between the rivers Don and Voronezh.Certified copy.July 9, 19421942.
9 июля 1942 г.
Центральный архив Министерства обороны Российской Федерации

The combat report of the headquarters of the Voronezh Front at the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command on battles in the Castor-Voronezh and Chernyansko-Korotoyakovsky directions.Telegraph tape. July 9, 1942

The combat report of the headquarters of the Voronezh Front at the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command on battles in the Castor-Voronezh and Chernyansko-Korotoyakovsky directions.Telegraph tape. July 9, 19421942.
9 июля 1942 г.
Центральный архив Министерства обороны Российской Федерации
