

Resolution of the USSR GKO No. 2106 on measures to increase the production of Azid sodium for capsules of the People's Commissariat of Munitions, with the application of a note by Beria L.P., Vannikova B. L. Stalin I.V.

F. 644.Resolution of the USSR GKO No. 2106 on measures to increase the production of Azid sodium for capsules of the People's Commissariat of Munitions, with the application of a note by Beria L.P., Vannikova B. L. Stalin I.V.
July 26, 1942
Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History

Decree of the USSR GKO No. 2108 SS on the provision of the People's Commissariat of the Navy by new samples of torpedo-minno-trail weapons, with the application of the note by Molotov V. M., Kuznetsov N. G. Stalin I. century.;certificates of tactical and technical data of sea mines adopted by the Navy, and the sea mines developed by the design bureau of the People's Commissariat of Shipbuilding Industry;On the tactical and technical data of trawls accepted (NT and CAMT-2) and proposed for the development of the design bureau (MTU and the RTU)

F. 644.Decree of the USSR GKO No. 2108 SS on the provision of the People's Commissariat of the Navy by new samples of torpedo-minno-trail weapons, with the application of the note by Molotov V. M., Kuznetsov N. G. Stalin I. century.;certificates of tactical and technical data of sea mines adopted by the Navy, and the sea mines developed by the design bureau of the People's Commissariat of Shipbuilding Industry;On the tactical and technical data of trawls accepted (NT and CAMT-2) and proposed for the development of the design bureau (MTU and the mouth).
July 26, 1942
Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History

Operational summary No. 39 of the Commander -in -law of the Internal Affairs of the Ukrainian SSR S. R. Savchenko to the Deputy People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR V.N. Merkulov on the situation at the front in the area of ​​Rostov and Bataysk

F. 3os.Operational summary No. 39 of the Commander -in -law of the Internal Affairs of the Ukrainian SSR S. R. Savchenko, Deputy People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR V.N. Merkulov on the situation at the front in the area of ​​Rostov and Bataysk.
July 26, 1942
Central Archive of the Federal Security Service of Russia

Telegram of the head of the transport department of the NKVD of the Odessa Railway N. I. Tymoshenko in the Transport Administration of the NKVD of the USSR on raids of enemy aviation for railway units of the Stalingrad region

F. 3os.The telegram of the head of the transport department of the NKVD of the Odessa Railway N. I. Tymoshenko in the Transport Administration of the NKVD of the USSR on raids of enemy aviation for railway units of the Stalingrad region.
July 26, 1942
Central Archive of the Federal Security Service of Russia

From the diary of the Deputy People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the USSR S. A. Lozovsky - a recording of a conversation with the messenger of Sweden in the USSR V. Assarson in connection with the presentation of a memorial note from the Soviet government on the violation of the neutrality by Sweden (with the appendix of the memorial note)

F. 06.From the diary of the Deputy People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the USSR S. A. Lozovsky - a recording of a conversation with the messenger of Sweden in the USSR V. Assarson in connection with the presentation of the memorial note to the Soviet government on the violation of the neutrality by Sweden (with the application of the memorial note).
July 26, 1942
Archive of foreign policy of the Russian Federation

Decree of the USSR GKO No. 2109 on the plan of military shipbuilding for the 3rd quarter of 1942 and the supply of trawl weapons, special equipment and spare parts to the mechanisms for the People’s Commissariat of the Navy, with the application of Molotov V.M., Kuznetsova N. G., Nosenko and Nosenko and Nosenko and Nosenko and. I. Stalin I.V.

F. 644.Decree of the USSR GKO No. 2109 on the plan of military shipbuilding for the 3rd quarter of 1942 and the supply of trawl weapons, special equipment and spare parts to the mechanisms for the People’s Commissariat of the Navy, with the application of Molotov V.M., Kuznetsova N. G., Nosenko and Nosenko and Nosenko and Nosenko and. I. Stalin I.V.
July 27, 1942
Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History
