Modern education. Methodological materials
Modern education. Methodological materials
The realization of the pedagogical potential of the Orthodox Sunday school
Marchenko, Lyubov Andreevna. The realization of the pedagogical potential of the Orthodox Sunday school. Moscow, 2015.
Formation of the teacher of patriotism culture further education in professional activities
Moniava, Lali Guramovna.Formation of the teacher of patriotism culture supplementary education in their professional activities.Belgorod, 2018.
The formation of professionally important qualities of future teachers to work in a digital educational environment
The formation of professionally important qualities of future teachers for working in a digital educational environment.
Innovative development of the regional education system: a humanistic approach
Innovative development of the regional education system: a humanistic approach. 2010.
Pedagogical support for improving the quality of life of the teacher
Naumenko, Taisiya Petrovna.Pedagogical support for improving the quality of life of the teacher.Orenburg, 2019.
Philosophical and methodological problems of advanced education in the digital era
Philosophical and methodological problems of advanced education in the digital era.2021.
Formization of Russian Education: Socio-Philosophical Analysis
Femignation of Russian education: Socio-philosophical analysis.2015.
The evolution of religious (Orthodox) education in Russia from the 18th century until now
Razina, Marina Vladimirovna.The evolution of religious (Orthodox) education in Russia from the 18th century to the present.Yekaterinburg, 2006.
Sociocultural practices of integration of secular and religious education
Sociocultural practices of integration of secular and religious education.2008.
The development of multicultural education in the schools of the United States and Russia in the late XX-early XXI century
Sviridchenko, Julia Sergeevna. The development of multicultural education in the schools of the United States and Russia in the late XX-early XXI century. Pyatigorsk, 2010.