Modern education. Methodological materials
Modern education. Methodological materials
Axiological concept of orientation of schoolchildren to working professions
Skripova, Nadezhda Evgenievna.The axiological concept of orientation of schoolchildren to working professions.Vladikavkaz, 2016.
Pedagogical support of the spiritual and moral development of students of a general education organization
Pedagogical support of the spiritual and moral development of students of a general educational organization.2020.
Socio-philosophical analysis of the functional effectiveness of education
Socio-philosophical analysis of the functional effectiveness of education.2010.
The socio-political foundations of educational reforms in Russia from ancient times to the XXI century
The socio-political foundations of educational reforms in Russia from ancient times to the XXI century.2012.
Polycultural education of the younger generation in the interactive concept of development
Khadzhiev, Sidhasan Magomedovich.Polyultural education of the younger generation in the interactive concept of development.Grozny, 2020.
Innovative-heuristic significance of Feofan the Recluse's heritage for the development of modern Russian education
Khokhlova, Anna Borisovna. Innovative-heuristic significance of Feofan the Recluse's heritage for the development of modern Russian education. Kursk, 2011.
Round table "Education in the context of the formation of a new type of culture"
Round table "Education in the context of the formation of a new type of culture."St. Petersburg, January 24, 2003.
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