Diplomatic receptions at the top level

Diplomatic receptions at the top level

Ceremonial part of the Ministry of the Imperial Court. Fund Ceremonial part of the Ministry of the Imperial Court. The matter of submitting them to Imperial Majesties and their Imperial Highnesses the Japanese mission and the Peruvian envoy

Ceremonial part of the Ministry of the Imperial Court.
Russia. Ministry of the Imperial Court. Ceremonial part. The matter is about presenting them to the Imperial Majesties and their Imperial Highnesses the Japanese mission and the Peruvian envoy. 1874.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"

The case of orders on the occasion of dinners given by their Imperial Highnesses, in honor of the arrival of the Shah of Persian and officers of the Life Guards of the Hussar Majesty Regiment

The office of the court of the heir to the Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich of the Ministry of the Imperial Court.The case of orders on the occasion of dinners given by their imperial highness, in honor of the arrival of Shah of Persian and officers of the Life Guards of the Hussar Majesty regiment.

The court of his Imperial Majesty the office of the Ministry of the Imperial Court. The Court's fund of his Imperial Majesty the office of the Ministry of the Imperial Court. The case of the Office of Management of the Winter Palace on the arrival of Prince Chernogorsky and Prince Arisugawa of Japan in St. Petersburg

The court of his Imperial Majesty the office of the Ministry of the Imperial Court.
Russia. Ministry of the Imperial Court. Court of his Imperial Majesty office. The case of the Office of Management of the Winter Palace about the arrival of Prince Chernogorsky and the Japanese prince Arisugava in St. Petersburg with entourage. 1882.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"

Ceremonial part of the Ministry of the Imperial Court. Fund Ceremonial part of the Ministry of the Imperial Court. The case of the receiving audience with His Majesty the Emperor of the emperor newly appointed Mexican ambassador Pedro Rincon-Gallardo

Ceremonial part of the Ministry of the Imperial Court.
Russia. Ministry of the Imperial Court. Ceremonial part. The case of the receiving audience with his Majesty the Emperor of the emperor was again assigned to the Mexican ambassador Pedro Rincon-Gallardo. 1891.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"

Ceremonial part of the Ministry of the Imperial Court. Fund Ceremonial part of the Ministry of the Imperial Court. The case of the arrival in Russia of His Majesty the King of Siam

Ceremonial part of the Ministry of the Imperial Court.
Russia. Ministry of the Imperial Court. Ceremonial part. The case of the arrival in Russia of His Majesty the King of Siam. 1897.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"

The Marshal of the Ministry of the Imperial Court. Fund Hofmarshalskaya part of the Ministry of the Imperial Court. Orders on the occasion of the stay of the King of Siam with his retinue during the highest presence in Peterhof from June 21 to 25, 1897.

The Marshal of the Ministry of the Imperial Court.
Russia. Ministry of the Imperial Court. The Marshal of the Marshals. Orders on the occasion of the stay of the King of Siam with his retinue during the highest presence in Peterhof from June 21 to 25, 1897, 1887.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"

The Marshal of the Ministry of the Imperial Court. Fund Hofmarshalskaya part of the Ministry of the Imperial Court. The case of orders and expenses on the occasion of the stay of Prince Siamese

The Marshal of the Ministry of the Imperial Court.
Russia. Ministry of the Imperial Court. The Marshal of the Marshals. The case of orders and expenses on the occasion of the stay of Prince Siamese. 1897.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"

Introduction of the head of the Chamber Office of His Imperial Majesty's Cabinet VV Sipyagin of December 2, 1897, with proposals for a response gift from Empress Alexandra Feodorovna to the wife of the Chinese envoy Young-Yu (L. 12-13), an accompanying report compiled by Prince E.E. Ukhtomsky and containing a description and evaluation of the subjects presented to Her Imperial Majesty by the wife of the Chinese envoy (L. 10-11)

      Russia. His Imperial Majesty's Cabinet Presentation of the head of the Cameral Department of His Imperial Majesty's Cabinet VV Sipyagin of December 2, 1897, with proposals for a response gift from Empress Alexandra Feodorovna to the wife of the Chinese envoy Young-Yu (L. 12-13), an accompanying report compiled by Prince E.E. Ukhtomsky and containing a description and evaluation of the items presented to Her Imperial Majesty by the wife of the Chinese envoy (L. 10-11).
ФГУ Российский Государственный Исторический Архив

Ceremonial part of the Ministry of the Imperial Court. Fund Ceremonial part of the Ministry of the Imperial Court. The case of the abolition of the Korean mission in St. Petersburg

Ceremonial part of the Ministry of the Imperial Court.
Russia. Ministry of the Imperial Court. Ceremonial part. The case of the abolition of the Korean mission in St. Petersburg. 1905.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"
