Ministers of the Imperial Household
Ministers of the Imperial Household
- Pyotr Mikhailovich Volkonsky (08/22/1826–08/30/1852)
The biography of the general from the infantry of Prince Peter Mikhailovich Volkonsky and a brief outline of the official activity of P.M.Volkonsky, placed in the Russian Art Leaflet No. 32 and No. 33 for 1852
Volkonsky, the brightest princes: Peter Mikhailovich (1776-1852), Field Marshal, Minister of the Imperial Court and Dolly;Dmitry Petrovich (1805-1859), Hofmeister;Grigory Petrovich (1808-1882), trustee of the Odessa and St. Petersburg training districts;Pyotr Grigoryevich (1843-1896), STATLAMER;Peter Dmitrievich (b. 1845), official of the Ministry of Finance.The biography of the general from the infantry of Prince Peter Mikhailovich Volkonsky and a brief outline of the official activity of P.M.Volkonsky, placed in the "Russian Art leaflet" No. 32 and No. 33 for 1852.Portrait of Pyotr Mikhailovich Volkonsky (1776-1852) (repetition of the portrait of 1823)
Dow, George (English artist, 1781-1829). Portrait of Pyotr Mikhailovich Volkonsky (1776-1852) (repetition of the portrait of 1823).
Diplomas of Alexander I and Nicholas I about the rise in the ranks of P.M. Volkonsky
Volkonsky, the most illustrious princes: Pyotr Mikhailovich (1776-1852), general-field marshal, minister of the Imperial court and lands; Dmitriy Petrovich (1805-1859), the Chamberlain; Grigory Petrovich (1808-1882), trustee of the Odessa and Petersburg educational districts; Petr Grigoryevich (1843-1896), the staff master; Petr Dmitrievich (r. 1845), an official of the Ministry of Finance.
Diplomas of Alexander I and Nicholas I about the rise in the ranks of PM. Volkonsky.Letters to the brightest Prince Peter Mikhailovich Volkonsky from Emperor Alexander I: with gratitude for the letter, congratulations on the day of birth, with an expression of a sense of appreciation and respect, asking him to report his address
Volkonsky, the brightest princes: Peter Mikhailovich (1776-1852), Field Marshal, Minister of the Imperial Court and Dolly;Dmitry Petrovich (1805-1859), Hofmeister;Grigory Petrovich (1808-1882), trustee of the Odessa and St. Petersburg training districts;Pyotr Grigoryevich (1843-1896), STATLAMER;Peter Dmitrievich (b. 1845), official of the Ministry of Finance.Letters to the brightest prince Peter Mikhailovich Volkonsky from Emperor Alexander I: with gratitude for the letter, congratulations on the day of birth, with an expression of a sense of gratitude and respect, asking him to report his...Letters (four) to the brightest prince Peter Mikhailovich Volkonsky from the Grand Duchess Anna Fedorovna with the application of the note and drafts of the letters of Prince P.M.Volkonsky (two) in the case of the approval of her spiritual testament and the appointment of a pension
Volkonsky, the brightest princes: Peter Mikhailovich (1776-1852), Field Marshal, Minister of the Imperial Court and Dolly;Dmitry Petrovich (1805-1859), Hofmeister;Grigory Petrovich (1808-1882), trustee of the Odessa and St. Petersburg training districts;Pyotr Grigoryevich (1843-1896), STATLAMER;Peter Dmitrievich (b. 1845), official of the Ministry of Finance.Letters (four) to the brightest prince Peter Mikhailovich Volkonsky from the Grand Duchess Anna Fedorovna with the application of the note and drafts of the letters of Prince P.M.Volkonsky (two) in the case of the approval of her...Letters (eleven) to the brightest Prince Peter Mikhailovich Volkonsky from the Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna: about a conversation with the emperor about Durnovo, with requests to fulfill her assignments
Volkonsky, brightest princes: Peter Mikhailovich (1776-1852), Field Marshal, Minister of the Imperial Court and Dolzov;Dmitry Petrovich (1805-1859), Hofmeister;Grigory Petrovich (1808-1882), trustee of the Odessa and St. Petersburg educational districts;Pyotr Grigoryevich (1843-1896), STATLAMER;Peter Dmitrievich (b.1845), official of the Ministry of Finance.Letters (eleven) to the brightest prince Peter Mikhailovich Volkonsky from the Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna: about a conversation with the emperor about Durnovo, with requests for her assignments.Diplomas of the Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg and Kazan Universities on the election of Pyotr Mikhailovich Volkonsky as an honorary member
Volkonsky, the most illustrious princes: Pyotr Mikhailovich (1776-1852), general-field marshal, minister of the Imperial court and lands; Dmitriy Petrovich (1805-1859), the Chamberlain; Grigory Petrovich (1808-1882), trustee of the Odessa and Petersburg educational districts; Petr Grigoryevich (1843-1896), the staff master; Petr Dmitrievich (r. 1845), an official of the Ministry of Finance.
Diplomas of the Academy of Sciences, Petersburg and Kazan universities on the election of Peter Mikhailovich Volkonsky as an honorary member.Memorial book of Peter Mikhailovich Volkonsky
Volkonsky, the brightest princes: Peter Mikhailovich (1776-1852), Field Marshal, Minister of the Imperial Court and Dolly;Dmitry Petrovich (1805-1859), Hofmeister;Grigory Petrovich (1808-1882), trustee of the Odessa and St. Petersburg training districts;Pyotr Grigoryevich (1843-1896), STATLAMER;Peter Dmitrievich (b. 1845), official of the Ministry of Finance.The memorial book of Peter Mikhailovich Volkonsky.Extracts from the wills of Peter Mikhailovich and Sophia Grigorievna Volkonsky, copies of the letters of banker sharing and other property documents inherited by Peter Grigorievich Volkonsky
Volkonsky, light princes: Peter Mikhailovich (1776-1852), General Field Marshal, Minister of Imperial Court and Ducks;Dmitry Petrovich (1805-1859), gofmaster;Grigory Petrovich (1808-1882), Trustee of the Odessa and St. Petersburg educational districts;Peter Grigorievich (1843-1896), Shadmayster;Peter Dmitrievich (P.1845), official of the Ministry of Finance.Extracts from the wills of Peter Mikhailovich and Sofia Grigorievna Volkonsky, copies of the Letters of the banker sharing and other documents about the property inherited by Peter Grigorievich Volkonsky. - Vladimir Fedorovich Adlerberg (08/30/1852–04/17/1870)
The case on the circular proposal of the manager of the Ministry of the Imperial Court on the appointment of representatives from the Directorate of Theaters to participate in the sad ceremony, during the burial of the body of the former Minister of the Courtyard and Belows, Count Adlerberg I
Directorate of Imperial Theaters of the MIDV.The case on the circular proposal of the manager of the Ministry of the Imperial Court on the appointment of representatives from the Directorate of Theaters to participate in the sad ceremony, during the burial of the body of the former Minister of the Court and the Dolts, Count Adlerberg I.The case of the appointment by the Minister of the Imperial Court of Count V.F.Adlerberg
Directorate of Imperial Theaters of the MIDV.The case of the appointment by the Minister of the Imperial Court of Count V.F.Adlerberg.The appointment of Count Vladimir Adlerberg Minister of the Imperial Court
Directorate of Imperial Theaters of the MIDV.The case of the appointment of Count Vladimir Adlerberg Minister of the Imperial Court.On the appointment of the Minister of the Imperial Court of the Adjutant General Count Adlerberg Member of the Siberian Committee
The Second Siberian Committee.
On the appointment of the Minister of the Imperial Court of Adjutant General Count Adlerberg as a Member of the Siberian Committee.Adlerberg Vladimir Fedorovich
Adlerberg Vladimir Fedorovich . - Alexander Vladimirovich Adlerberg (04/17/1870–08/17/1881)
Anonymous letters Alexander II, editor of the Moscow Vedomosti newspaper (Mikhail Nikiforovich Katkov) and Count Alexander Vladimirovich Adlerberg in connection with the holding of the peasant reform of 1861, about the shortcomings in the internal management of Russia and
Valuev Petr Alexandrovich, Graf (1814-1890).Interior Minister, Minister of State Protection, Chairman of the Committee of Ministers, Member of the State Council.Anonymous letters Alexander II, editor of the Moscow Vedomosti newspaper (Mikhail Nikiforovich Karkov) and Count Alexander Vladimirovich Adlerbergu in connection with the holding of the peasant reform of 1861, about the shortcomings in the internal management of Russia and with the proposal of their elimination measures.Letters MN Katkov III of Alexander, Earl A. Allerberg, ID Delianov and others on the state of public education in Rocsii, the establishment of the Lyceum "Crown Prince Nicholas," about the articles printed in the newspaper "Moscow News"and other
Pavel Shchegolev Eliseevich (1875 - 1931 gg.), Historian and editor of "The Past", managing the Petrograd Revolutionary historical archive.Letters MN Katkov III of Alexander, Earl A. Allerberg, ID Delianov and others on the state of public education in Rocsii, the establishment of the Lyceum "Crown Prince Nicholas," about the articles printed in the newspaper "Moscow News" and other.Shchegolev Pavel Eliseevich (1875 - 1931 gg.), Historian, editor of the magazine "The Past", the administrator of the Petrograd Historical and Revolutionary Archive. The Shchegolev Pavel Eliseevich Foundation (1877-1931). Letter from General MD Skobeleva Count A.V. Adlerberg with a request for assistance
Shchegolev Pavel Eliseevich (1875 - 1931 gg.), Historian, editor of the magazine "The Past", the administrator of the Petrograd Historical and Revolutionary Archive.
Shchegolev, Pavel Eliseevich (1877-1931). Letter from General MD Skobeleva Count A.V. Adlerberg with a request for assistance to the transfer to the reserve and the message of the Moscow Chief Police Officer to an unidentified person about the death of M.D. Skobelev. Copies. 1878-1882.Copy of Scrapbook P.A.Valuev Minister of the Imperial Court Count Alexander Vladimirovich Adlerberg, Vedomosti, certificates and lists about the issuance of rental money to various persons from the Ministry of Public Protection and other expenses for this ministry and minis
Valuev Petr Alexandrovich, Graf (1814-1890).Interior Minister, Minister of State Protection, Chairman of the Committee of Ministers, Member of the State Council.Copy of Scrapbook P.A.Valuev Minister of the Imperial Court Count Alexander Vladimirovich Adlerberg, Vedomosti, certificates and lists about the issuance of rental money to various persons from the Ministry of Public Protection and Other Costs for this Ministry and the Ministry of Internal Affairs for 1867 (for afforestation and land reclamation, improving cattle breeding, benefits officialsand other). - Illarion Ivanovich Vorontsov-Dashkov (08/17/1881–05/06/1897)
Count I. I. Vorontsov-Dashkov and Lieutenant-General R. A. Fadeyev in the carriage
Count I. I. Vorontsov-Dashkov and Lieutenant-General R. A. Fadeyev in the carriage. Baku, 1905.Portrait of the graph of Illarion Ivanovich Vorontsova-Dashkova, adjutant general suite of His Majesty: [Figure]
Portrait of the graph of Illarion Ivanovich Vorontsova-Dashkova, the adjutant-general suite of His Majesty: [Figure].1915.Red archive. 1928. T. 1 (26)
Red archive.
1928. T. 1 (26). 1928. - Vladimir Borisovich Fredericks (05/06/1897–02/28/1917)
Encrypted telegram (draft) Stolypin P. A. Nicholas II on the fact that the abolition of the Finnish Council is untimely and that it is better to remove the former senators and appoint new ones who unquestioningly follow the directions of the Russian Gover
Stolypin, Pyotr Arkadevich (1862-1911). Encrypted telegram (draft) of Stolypin P. A. Nicholas II about the fact that the abolition of the Finnish Council is untimely and that it is better to remove the former senators and appoint new ones who unquestioningly follow the directions of the Russian Government and a response telegram from Frederiks to Stolypin about Nicholas II's consent to this. > 1909.Encrypted telegram of Nicholas II (and its decoding) to Stolypin PA on the abolition of the Finnish Senate and on the strengthening of military garrisons in Finland; a copy of the same telegram transmitted by the Minister of the Court, Fredericks of Finla
Stolypin, Pyotr Arkadevich (1862-1911). Encrypted telegram of Nicholas II (and its decoding) to Stolypin PA on the abolition of the Finnish Senate and on the strengthening of military garrisons in Finland; a copy of the same telegram sent by the Minister of the Court to Frederiks of Finland governor-general.
1909.A copy of the encrypted telegram of Frederiks to the Minister of War, handed over to Stolypin, about the dispatch to Finland of the Ataman regiment of the Life Guards
Stolypin, Pyotr Arkadevich (1862-1911). A copy of the encrypted telegram of Frederiks to the Minister of War, handed over to the last Stolypin, about the dispatch to Finland of the Ataman regiment of the Life Guards.
1909.The fall of the tsarist regime. T. 5. Interrogations and testimony: GE Raina, the graph of Frederiks, IM Zolotarev, VF Dzhunkovskii, BV Sturmer, NA Maklakova, SE Vissarionova, A. D Protopopov, SP Beletsky, MV Chelnokov, General NI Ivanov, NN Pokrovsky, FA
The fall of the tsarist regime. Moscow: State Publishing House, 1924-1927; Leningrad.
T. 5: Interrogations and testimony: GE Raina, Count Fredericks, IM Zolotarev, VF Dzhunkovskiy, BV Sturmer, NA Maklakova, SE Vissarionov, AD Protopopov, SP Beletsky, MV Chelnokov, General NI Ivanov, NN Pokrovsky, FA Golovin, SE Kryzhanovskii, AA Khvostov. 1926.Baron VB Frederiks - Minister of the Imperial Court and Major-General VN Voeikov - the palace commandant at the residence of Nicholas II
Baron VB Frederiks - Minister of the Imperial Court and Major-General VN Voeikov - the palace commandant at the residence of Nicholas II. 1914.Emperor Nicholas II and Minister of the Court VB Frederiks on the Terrace of the Livadia Palace
Emperor Nicholas II and Minister of the Court VB Frederiks on the terrace of the Livadia Palace.
Livadia, 1913.Minister of the Imperial Court VB Frederiks is present at the inspection of troops in Yalta
The Minister of the Imperial Court VB Frederiks is present at the inspection of troops in Yalta. Film Yalta, [between 1913 and 1914].Portrait of the Minister of the Court of Baron VB Frederiks in the form of a mounted regiment
Bulla, Karl Karlovich (1855-1929). The portrait of the Minister of the court of Baron VB Frederiks in the form of a mounted regiment. [191 -].Portrait of the Minister of the Court of Baron VB Frederiks in the form of a mounted regiment
The portrait of the Minister of the court of Baron VB Frederiks in the form of a mounted regiment. [191 -].The Minister of the Imperial Court, Count VB Frederiks, accompanying Emperor Nicholas II during his visit to Odessa, during a meeting at the station
Minister of the Imperial Court, Count VB Frederiks, accompanying Emperor Nicholas II during his visit to Odessa, during a meeting at the station.
Odessa, May 9, 1916.The Minister of the Court of His Imperial Majesty, Baron VB Frederiks, talks with Emperor Nicholas II at the Temple-tent of Emperor Alexander I during the festivities on the Borodino field on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1
The Minister of the Court of His Imperial Majesty, Baron VB Frederiks, talks with Emperor Nicholas II at the Temple-tent of Emperor Alexander I during the festivities on the Borodino Field on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812.
Borodino, August 26, 1912.The Minister of the Imperial Court, a member of the State Council, Baron VB Frederiks passes through the Borodino field after the consecration of the monument to the battle of Borodino during the celebrations on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of th
The Minister of the Imperial Court, a member of the State Council, Baron VB Frederiks passes through the Borodino field after the consecration of the monument to the battle of Borodino during the celebrations on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812.
Borodino, August 26, 1912.On the "Standard"
On the "Standard." Yacht "Standard", 1906.Passing a ceremonial march around the square on horseback
Passing a ceremonial march around the square on horseback. [Red Village], 1912.Military Minister VA Sukhomlinov, who arrived with Emperor Nicholas II in Ovruch within the framework of Kiev festivities, bypasses the guard of honor
Military Minister VA Sukhomlinov, who arrived with Emperor Nicholas II in Ovruch within the framework of Kiev festivities, bypasses the guard of honor. Film Ovruch, September 1911.Military Minister VA Sukhomlinov, who is in the retinue of Emperor Nicholas II at the celebrations dedicated to the 200th anniversary of Livonia's accession to Russia, is present at the Sokol Gymnastics show in the courtyard of the Mykolayiv Gymnasium
Military Minister VA Sukhomlinov, who is in the retinue of Emperor Nicholas II at the celebrations dedicated to the 200th anniversary of Livonia's accession to Russia, is present at the Sokol Gymnastics show in the courtyard of the Mykolayiv Gymnasium.
Riga, July 4, 1910.The Chairman of the Council of Ministers, PA Stolypin, is present at the inspection of the free fire brigade of Riga in the courtyard of the castle
The Chairman of the Council of Ministers, PA Stolypin, is present at the inspection of the free fire brigade of Riga in the courtyard of the castle.
Riga, July 4, 1910.Inspection of the fort number 1
Inspection of the fort № 1. Przemysl, 1915.Chairman of the Council of Ministers PA Stolypin, who arrived in Kiev to celebrate the opening of zemstvo institutions and a monument to Alexander II, accompanies Emperor Nicholas II during his meeting with representatives of various city and public organ
Chairman of the Council of Ministers PA Stolypin, who arrived in Kiev to celebrate the opening of zemstvo institutions and the monument to Alexander II, accompanies Emperor Nicholas II during his meeting with representatives of various city and public organizations outside the building of the Kiev Palace. Kiev, August 1911.Arrival of French President A. Falier to meet with Emperor Nicholas II, Revel, July 28 (August 10), 1908
Arrival of French President A. Falier to meet with Emperor Nicholas II, Revel, July 28 (August 10), 1908. St. Petersburg: Presidential Library. Boris N. Yeltsin, 2011.Emperor Nicholas II, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with her daughters and their accompanying persons pass along the platform of the railway station on arrival at the Borodino station to participate in the celebrations [on the occasion of the 100th annivers
Emperor Nicholas II, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with her daughters and their accompanying persons pass along the platform of the railway station upon arrival at Borodino station to participate in the celebrations [on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812].
Borodino, August 25, 1912.The opening of the first convocation of the State Council and the State Duma on April 27, 1906
The opening of the first convocation of the State Council and the State Duma on April 27, 1906.
Письма И.И. Воронцова-Дашкова Николаю Романову. С. 97–126 (сканы 109–138)