Pyotr Mikhailovich Volkonsky (08/22/1826–08/30/1852)
Pyotr Mikhailovich Volkonsky (08/22/1826–08/30/1852)
The biography of the general from the infantry of Prince Peter Mikhailovich Volkonsky and a brief outline of the official activity of P.M.Volkonsky, placed in the Russian Art Leaflet No. 32 and No. 33 for 1852
Volkonsky, the brightest princes: Peter Mikhailovich (1776-1852), Field Marshal, Minister of the Imperial Court and Dolly;Dmitry Petrovich (1805-1859), Hofmeister;Grigory Petrovich (1808-1882), trustee of the Odessa and St. Petersburg training districts;Pyotr Grigoryevich (1843-1896), STATLAMER;Peter Dmitrievich (b. 1845), official of the Ministry of Finance.The biography of the general from the infantry of Prince Peter Mikhailovich Volkonsky and a brief outline of the official activity of P.M.Volkonsky, placed in the "Russian Art leaflet" No. 32 and No. 33 for 1852.
Portrait of Pyotr Mikhailovich Volkonsky (1776-1852) (repetition of the portrait of 1823)
Dow, George (English artist, 1781-1829).
Portrait of Pyotr Mikhailovich Volkonsky (1776-1852) (repetition of the portrait of 1823).
Государственный Эрмитаж, Санкт-Петербург
Diplomas of Alexander I and Nicholas I about the rise in the ranks of P.M. Volkonsky
Volkonsky, the most illustrious princes: Pyotr Mikhailovich (1776-1852), general-field marshal, minister of the Imperial court and lands; Dmitriy Petrovich (1805-1859), the Chamberlain; Grigory Petrovich (1808-1882), trustee of the Odessa and Petersburg educational districts; Petr Grigoryevich (1843-1896), the staff master; Petr Dmitrievich (r. 1845), an official of the Ministry of Finance.
Diplomas of Alexander I and Nicholas I about the rise in the ranks of PM. Volkonsky.
Diplomas of Alexander I and Nicholas I about the rise in the ranks of PM. Volkonsky.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"
Letters to the brightest Prince Peter Mikhailovich Volkonsky from Emperor Alexander I: with gratitude for the letter, congratulations on the day of birth, with an expression of a sense of appreciation and respect, asking him to report his address
Volkonsky, the brightest princes: Peter Mikhailovich (1776-1852), Field Marshal, Minister of the Imperial Court and Dolly;Dmitry Petrovich (1805-1859), Hofmeister;Grigory Petrovich (1808-1882), trustee of the Odessa and St. Petersburg training districts;Pyotr Grigoryevich (1843-1896), STATLAMER;Peter Dmitrievich (b. 1845), official of the Ministry of Finance.Letters to the brightest prince Peter Mikhailovich Volkonsky from Emperor Alexander I: with gratitude for the letter, congratulations on the day of birth, with an expression of a sense of gratitude and respect, asking him to report his...
Federal state institution "Russian State Historical Archive"
Letters (four) to the brightest prince Peter Mikhailovich Volkonsky from the Grand Duchess Anna Fedorovna with the application of the note and drafts of the letters of Prince P.M.Volkonsky (two) in the case of the approval of her spiritual testament and the appointment of a pension
Volkonsky, the brightest princes: Peter Mikhailovich (1776-1852), Field Marshal, Minister of the Imperial Court and Dolly;Dmitry Petrovich (1805-1859), Hofmeister;Grigory Petrovich (1808-1882), trustee of the Odessa and St. Petersburg training districts;Pyotr Grigoryevich (1843-1896), STATLAMER;Peter Dmitrievich (b. 1845), official of the Ministry of Finance.Letters (four) to the brightest prince Peter Mikhailovich Volkonsky from the Grand Duchess Anna Fedorovna with the application of the note and drafts of the letters of Prince P.M.Volkonsky (two) in the case of the approval of her...
Letters (eleven) to the brightest Prince Peter Mikhailovich Volkonsky from the Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna: about a conversation with the emperor about Durnovo, with requests to fulfill her assignments
Volkonsky, brightest princes: Peter Mikhailovich (1776-1852), Field Marshal, Minister of the Imperial Court and Dolzov;Dmitry Petrovich (1805-1859), Hofmeister;Grigory Petrovich (1808-1882), trustee of the Odessa and St. Petersburg educational districts;Pyotr Grigoryevich (1843-1896), STATLAMER;Peter Dmitrievich (b.1845), official of the Ministry of Finance.Letters (eleven) to the brightest prince Peter Mikhailovich Volkonsky from the Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna: about a conversation with the emperor about Durnovo, with requests for her assignments.
Diplomas of the Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg and Kazan Universities on the election of Pyotr Mikhailovich Volkonsky as an honorary member
Volkonsky, the most illustrious princes: Pyotr Mikhailovich (1776-1852), general-field marshal, minister of the Imperial court and lands; Dmitriy Petrovich (1805-1859), the Chamberlain; Grigory Petrovich (1808-1882), trustee of the Odessa and Petersburg educational districts; Petr Grigoryevich (1843-1896), the staff master; Petr Dmitrievich (r. 1845), an official of the Ministry of Finance.
Diplomas of the Academy of Sciences, Petersburg and Kazan universities on the election of Peter Mikhailovich Volkonsky as an honorary member.
Diplomas of the Academy of Sciences, Petersburg and Kazan universities on the election of Peter Mikhailovich Volkonsky as an honorary member.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"
Memorial book of Peter Mikhailovich Volkonsky
Volkonsky, the brightest princes: Peter Mikhailovich (1776-1852), Field Marshal, Minister of the Imperial Court and Dolly;Dmitry Petrovich (1805-1859), Hofmeister;Grigory Petrovich (1808-1882), trustee of the Odessa and St. Petersburg training districts;Pyotr Grigoryevich (1843-1896), STATLAMER;Peter Dmitrievich (b. 1845), official of the Ministry of Finance.The memorial book of Peter Mikhailovich Volkonsky.
Extracts from the wills of Peter Mikhailovich and Sophia Grigorievna Volkonsky, copies of the letters of banker sharing and other property documents inherited by Peter Grigorievich Volkonsky
Volkonsky, light princes: Peter Mikhailovich (1776-1852), General Field Marshal, Minister of Imperial Court and Ducks;Dmitry Petrovich (1805-1859), gofmaster;Grigory Petrovich (1808-1882), Trustee of the Odessa and St. Petersburg educational districts;Peter Grigorievich (1843-1896), Shadmayster;Peter Dmitrievich (P.1845), official of the Ministry of Finance.Extracts from the wills of Peter Mikhailovich and Sofia Grigorievna Volkonsky, copies of the Letters of the banker sharing and other documents about the property inherited by Peter Grigorievich Volkonsky.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"