Vladimir Borisovich Fredericks (05/06/1897–02/28/1917)

Vladimir Borisovich Fredericks (05/06/1897–02/28/1917)

The Minister of the Court of His Imperial Majesty, Baron VB Frederiks, talks with Emperor Nicholas II at the Temple-tent of Emperor Alexander I during the festivities on the Borodino field on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812

        The Minister of the Court of His Imperial Majesty, Baron VB Frederiks, talks with Emperor Nicholas II at the Temple-tent of Emperor Alexander I during the festivities on the Borodino Field on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812.
Borodino, August 26, 1912.

The Minister of the Imperial Court, a member of the State Council, Baron VB Frederiks passes through the Borodino field after the consecration of the monument to the battle of Borodino during the celebrations on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812

        The Minister of the Imperial Court, a member of the State Council, Baron VB Frederiks passes through the Borodino field after the consecration of the monument to the battle of Borodino during the celebrations on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812.
Borodino, August 26, 1912.

Military Minister VA Sukhomlinov, who is in the retinue of Emperor Nicholas II at the celebrations dedicated to the 200th anniversary of Livonia's accession to Russia, is present at the Sokol Gymnastics show in the courtyard of the Mykolayiv Gymnasium

        Military Minister VA Sukhomlinov, who is in the retinue of Emperor Nicholas II at the celebrations dedicated to the 200th anniversary of Livonia's accession to Russia, is present at the Sokol Gymnastics show in the courtyard of the Mykolayiv Gymnasium.
Riga, July 4, 1910.

Chairman of the Council of Ministers PA Stolypin, who arrived in Kiev to celebrate the opening of zemstvo institutions and a monument to Alexander II, accompanies Emperor Nicholas II during his meeting with representatives of various city and public organizations outside the building of the Kiev Palace

Chairman of the Council of Ministers PA Stolypin, who arrived in Kiev to celebrate the opening of zemstvo institutions and the monument to Alexander II, accompanies Emperor Nicholas II during his meeting with representatives of various city and public organizations outside the building of the Kiev Palace. Kiev, August 1911.
