

Resolution of the USSR GKO No. 2841 SS on the deployment of the construction of IL-2 aircraft with the AM-38F in the version of the adjustor and the formation of adjusting squadrons, with the appendix of the report note by Voronov I.V.February 7, 1943

Resolution of the USSR GKO No. 2841 SS on the deployment of the construction of IL-2 aircraft with the AM-38F in the version of the adjustor and the formation of adjusting squadrons, with the appendix of the report note by Voronov I.V.February 7, 19431943.
7 февраля 1943 г.
Российский государственный архив социально-политической истории

Постановление ГКО СССР № 2843 о назначении Щелаковского А. В. и Боброва Е. В. членами Военного совета 69-й армии, с приложением докладной записки Щербакова А. С. Сталину И. В. и справок-объективок

Resolution of the USSR GKO No. 2843 on the appointment of Schelkovsky A.V.and Bobrova E.V.Members of the Military Council of the 69th Army, with the application of the memorandum A.S. ShcherbakovStalin I.V.and certificates-lens.February 7, 19431943.
7 февраля 1943 г.
Российский государственный архив социально-политической истории

Resolution of the USSR GKO No. 2844 on the appointment of Pronin M.M.The head of the Political Administration of the Southern Front, with the appendix of the memorandum A.S. ShcherbakovStalin I.V.and certificates-lenses to Rumyantseva A.G.and Pronina M.M.February 7, 1943

Resolution of the USSR GKO No. 2844 on the appointment of Pronin M.M.The head of the Political Administration of the Southern Front, with the appendix of the memorandum A.S. ShcherbakovStalin I.V.and certificates-lenses to Rumyantseva A.G.and Pronina M.M.February 7, 19431943.
7 февраля 1943 г.
Российский государственный архив социально-политической истории

Resolution of the USSR GKO No. 2845 C to restore the Grozny Kerosino pipeline - Armavir - Tikhoretsk, with the application of the memo Mikoyan A.I., Beria L.P.Stalin I.V.February 7, 1943

Resolution of the USSR GKO No. 2845 C to restore the Grozny Kerosino pipeline - Armavir - Tikhoretsk, with the application of the memo Mikoyan A.I., Beria L.P.Stalin I.V.February 7, 19431943.
7 февраля 1943 г.
Российский государственный архив социально-политической истории

Decree of the USSR GKO No. 2846 on the approval of three transitional red banners of the Main Directorate of Labor Reserves and the Komsomol Central Committee and on changing the size of cash prizes with craft, railway schools and schools of the FZO - winners in the All -Union Socialist Competition, with the application of the reports of Switching N.M.Molotov V.M., Moskatova P.G., Mikhailova N.A.Molotov V.M.February 7, 1943

Decree of the USSR GKO No. 2846 on the approval of three transitional red banners of the Main Directorate of Labor Reserves and the Komsomol Central Committee and on changing the size of cash prizes with craft, railway schools and schools of the FZO - winners in the All -Union Socialist Competition, with the application of the reports of Switching N.M.Molotov V.M., Moskatova P.G., Mikhailova N.A.Molotov V.M.February 7, 19431943.
7 февраля 1943 г.
Российский государственный архив социально-политической истории

The report of the operational department of the headquarters of the 6th Army of the South-Western Front about prisoners and trophies captured by the enemy formations and units of the 6th Army in the period from January 29 to February 7, 1943.[No earlier than February 7, 1943]

The report of the operational department of the headquarters of the 6th Army of the South-Western Front about prisoners and trophies captured by the enemy formations and units of the 6th Army in the period from January 29 to February 7, 1943.[No earlier than February 7, 1943].1943.
[Не ранее 7 февраля 1943 г.]
Центральный архив Министерства обороны Российской Федерации

A report note by the head of the Special Department of the Leningrad Front of the NKVD of the USSR A.S. Bystrov to the Deputy People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR V. S. Abakumov about the voluntary crossing from the enemy to the location of the Red Army of the Spaniards who served in the German army in the Blue Division

F. 14.A report note by the head of the Special Department of the Leningrad Front of the NKVD of the USSR A.S. Bystrov, Deputy People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR V. S. Abakumov about the voluntary crossing from the enemy to the location of the Red Army forces of the Spaniards who served in the German army in the Blue Division.
February 7, 1943
Central Archive of the Federal Security Service of Russia

Resolution of the USSR GKO No. 2847 SS on the production of 76 mm of fragmentation shells from steel cast iron according to new technology, with the application of the memorandum of Beria L.P., Vannikova B.L., Yakovleva N.D.Stalin I.V.February 8, 1943

Resolution of the USSR GKO No. 2847 SS on the production of 76 mm of fragmentation shells from steel cast iron according to new technology, with the application of the memorandum of Beria L.P., Vannikova B.L., Yakovleva N.D.Stalin I.V.February 8, 19431943.
8 февраля 1943 г.
Российский государственный архив социально-политической истории

Order of the USSR GKO No. 2848 of the SS on the restoration of the Borisoglebsk car repair factory of the People's Commissariat of Railways, with the application of the memorandum of Beria L.P.Stalin I.V.and the list of issues issued for the approval of Stalin I.V.February 8, 1943

Order of the USSR GKO No. 2848 of the SS on the restoration of the Borisoglebsk car repair factory of the People's Commissariat of Railways, with the application of the memorandum of Beria L.P.Stalin I.V.and the list of issues issued for the approval of Stalin I.V.February 8, 19431943.
8 февраля 1943 г.
Российский государственный архив социально-политической истории
