

Resolution of the USSR GKO No. 3416 C to ensure the construction of the plant of the turbochargic installations of the Glavkislorod under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, with the application of the statements of materials

F. 644.Resolution of the USSR GKO No. 3416 C to ensure the construction of the factory of the turbocharger installations of the Glavkislorod under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, with the application of the statements of materials.
May 22, 1943
Russian State Archive of Social and Political History

Resolution of the USSR GKO No. 3418 SS on the provision of a deferment from the draft to the Red Army to the working and engineering and technical workers of the birth of 1922-1925, working at the Gorky Automobile Plant named afterMolotova People's Commissariat of Medium Engineering

F. 644.Resolution of the USSR GKO No. 3418 SS on the provision of a deferment from the draft to the Red Army to the working and engineering and technical workers of the birth of 1922-1925, working at the Gorky Automobile Plant named afterMolotova People's Commissariat of Medium Engineering.
May 22, 1943
Russian State Archive of Social and Political History

Resolution of the USSR GKO No. 3419 SS on the provision of a deferment from the draft to the Red Army of the workers of construction and working columns working at the Gorky Automobile Plant named afterMolotova People's Commissariat of Medium Engineering

F. 644.Resolution of the USSR GKO No. 3419 SS on the provision of a deferment from the draft to the Red Army of the workers of construction and working columns working at the Gorky Automobile Plant named afterMolotova People's Commissariat of Medium Engineering.
May 22, 1943
Russian State Archive of Social and Political History

The code of the first secretary of the Crimean regional committee of the All -Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks of the CPSU (b) of the Central Committee of the All -Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks A. A. Andreev on the need to resolve the issue of the development of partisan movement and underground work in the Crimea;asking for permission to fly to Moscow

F. 17.The code of the first secretary of the Crimean regional committee of the All -Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks of the CPSU (b) of the Central Committee of the All -Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks A. A. Andreev on the need to resolve the issue of the development of partisan movement and underground work in the Crimea;With a request to permission to fly to Moscow.
May 23, 1943
Russian State Archive of Social and Political History

Order of the USSR GKO No. 3420 on the transfer to the craft school of the energy of the building of the house No. 17 on the street.Dobrolyubova in the Stalin village of Omsk, with the application of the memorandum of Pavlenko A. S. Malenkov G.M.

F. 644.Order of the USSR GKO No. 3420 on the transfer to the craft school of the energy of the building of the house No. 17 on the street.Dobrolyubova in the Stalin village of Omsk, with the application of the memorandum of Pavlenko A. S. Malenkov G.M.
May 24, 1943
Russian State Archive of Social and Political History
