The performance of the commander of the artillery battery Zuev about the participation of his battery in battles in the Kursk arc.August 1943
The performance of the commander of the artillery battery Zuev about the participation of his battery in battles in the Kursk arc.August 1943
Август 1943 г.
Российский государственный архив фонодокументов
Partisans-machine gunners P.I. Poketov and I.E. Egorov in ambush.Leningrad region
F. 4p.Partisans-machine gunners P.I. Poketov and I.E. Egorov in ambush.Leningrad region.
August 1943
Russian State Military Archive
The nurse of the partisan detachment E. Danilov lies the wounded partisan D. G. Polushkin.Leningrad region
F. 4p.The nurse of the partisan detachment E. Danilov lies the wounded partisan D. G. Polushkin.Leningrad region.
August 1943
Russian State Military Archive
Former prisoner of war M. D. Kazakov, who fled from the German camp, signs the text of the oath in the 5th Leningrad partisan brigade
F. 2983.The former prisoner of war M. D. Kazakov, who fled from the German camp, signs the text of the oath in the 5th Leningrad partisan brigade.
Russian State Archive of Literature and Art