

Directive of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command No. 30174 to the commander of the North-Western Front P.A. Kurochkin on the cessation of the attack of the front troops in the area of ​​Old Russa

F. 3.Directive of the High Command Betting Headquarters No. 30174 to the commander of the North-Western Front P. A. Kurochkin on the termination of the attack of the front forces in the area of ​​the old Russa.
August 22, 1943
Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Directive of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command No. 30175 The Volkhov Front Commander K. A. Meretskov and the commander of the Leningrad Front L. A. Govorov on the transition to defense for a strong retention of the occupied lines

F. 3.Directive of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command No. 30175 to the Volkhov Front to K. A. Meretskov and the commander of the Leningrad Front L. A. Govorov on the transition to defense for a strong retention of the occupied lines.
August 22, 1943
Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

2024-03-27 Filmfond2

2024-03-27 Filmfond2.2024.
Российский государственный архив кинофотодокументов

A report of the commander of the Guards mortar units of the Red Army P. A. Degtyarev and a member of the Military Council of the Guards mortar units of the Red Army L. M. Gaidukov I.V. Stalin on the actions of the Guards mortar units on the Leningrad and Volkhov fronts (with the storage of excerpts from the testimony of prisoners of war taken.On the fighting site of the 8th Army of the Volkhov Front)

F. 3.A report of the commander of the Guards mortar units of the Red Army P. A. Degtyarev and a member of the Military Council of the Guards mortar units of the Red Army L. M. Gaidukov I.V. Stalin on the actions of the Guards mortar units on the Leningrad and Volkhov fronts (with the storage of excerpts from the testimony of prisoners of war taken.On the fighting site of the 8th Army of the Volkhov Front).
August 26, 1943
Russian state archive of recent history

Special communion of the 4th Directorate of the NKGB of the USSR to the People's Commissar of State Security of the USSR V. N. Merkulov with information on the scale of the partisan movement in the Oryol region

F. 4.Special communion of the 4th Directorate of the NKGB of the USSR to the People's Commissar of State Security of the USSR V. N. Merkulov with information on the scale of the partisan movement in the Oryol region.
26 августа 1943 г.
Центральный архив Федеральной службы безопасности России

Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine N.S.Khrushchev during a meeting with the leaders of the partisan movement in Ukraine.From left to right: N.S.Khrushchev, S.A.Oleksenko, D.S.Korotchenko, M.S.Grechuha, V.F.Starchenko.Truly.Kharkov region.Ukrainian USSR.August 26, 1943 photographer P. Gapochka.

Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine N.S.Khrushchev during a meeting with the leaders of the partisan movement in Ukraine.From left to right: N.S.Khrushchev, S.A.Oleksenko, D.S.Korotchenko, M.S.Grechuha, V.F.Starchenko.Truly.Kharkov region.Ukrainian USSR.August 26, 1943 photographer P. Gapochka. 1943.
26 августа 1943 г.
Российский государственный архив кинофотодокументов
